Hi, thank you for stopping by to take a peek at my blog, especially as it is The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!
Sorry I haven’t posted for a while but life has been running at 200mph this past week!!!

Christmas prep, birthdays, practise Christmas (I’ll explain later in another post !!!!) and general life!
Now I love Christmas, seriously, I mean it! I really love Christmas Day itself, but I also love the build up. It really is, for me, the most wonderful time of the year.

Yes it’s busy, add in a couple of birthdays in the first half of December and we are talking super busy. But it’s also really, really good fun.
I would happily give up my birthday every year for Christmas. That’s how much I love and enjoy it!!! In fact I very happily spent my birthday putting extra decorations (mainly of the chocolate kind!!) on our Christmas tree!!
Some may say that Christmas has become over commercialised, they may have a point. Others still insist on nit picking that they day itself – 25th December – was not the day that Christ Himself was indeed born, indeed dates varying from September through to March are mooted by ‘Intellectuals’ who have studied etc!!!! Others still insisting that Christmas itself was hijacked, by the church, from Pagans celebrating the Winter Solstice and many more theories besides!
I mean honestly, fairy lights certainly wouldn’t look quite as nice, bedecked during the lighter months……..
Seriously, Christmas is about remembering and celebrating the greatest gift ever given to mankind. JESUS. The Son of God. God incarnate. Born of a virgin, to live upon this earth and show ALL that we have the most Merciful, Gracious, Loving, Living, Wonderful, Awesome Heavenly Father.
Our Lord JESUS Christ. Hope to the hopeless. Light to a world in darkness. Peace in times of turmoil. Life to certain death. Healing to the broken. LOVE to hatred. God Himself living amongst us.
Yeah I think that’s worth celebrating!
Christmas is a time, like no other, when, even the hardest of hearts are reminded of this most precious of gifts, Jesus was born.
Amongst all the lights, present shopping, wrapping, delivering. Food to be bought and cooked. Decorations decanted from the attic and dutifully put up. Cards written to people we love and remember. Yes it is a very busy time.
But in amongst all of the mentioned and more a little baby is remembered. Born in the lowliest of settings (not a 5 star hotel!) a King. He had no pomp or ceremony – or did He?
An Angel announced His arrival to nearby Shepherds, reassuring them to not be alarmed. I’m not sure there are too many people who make their entrance into this world with that?

So I celebrate Christmas with all of my heart. I love that ‘The Light of the World’ is represented in every single, sparkling fairy light. That villages, towns and cities across our beautiful Nation are adorned with Christmas lights and look so different from any other time of the year.
Homes are opened more freely to neighbours, friends and loved ones more than at any other time of the year.
Families gather, across our Nation to feast on Christmas Day, even if it doesn’t fall on a Sunday!!

Homeless people are offered warmth, love, friendship and food, especially because it is Christmas.
Some people may disagree with me and that’s fine. We are allowed freedom of opinion.
I would urge those of you who are stressed or anxious, especially at this time of year to seek Peace and Rest in Him who is Peace. For those who believe Christ has been eradicated from Christmas Day, to remember His name starts the day. To those who believe the Nativity story, is, just that, a story, to ask themselves how many other stories have endured for more than 2000 years?
At this time I would ask you, the reader to remember why we celebrate CHRISTmas? And to remember others, the cold, lonely, those who feel unloved and show them love.

Instead of popping a card through the door of an elderly neighbour, knock and spend a few minutes talking to them. We cannot, each of us make a difference in every persons life. That’s why JESUS came! But if each one of us can impart warmth, time, a meal to just one other person and make them smile, then surely Christ will become, again the very HEART OF CHRISTMAS.
Enjoy Christmas for It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.
Sammie x