FF Spring has sprung

Spring Has Sprung

Hi everyone, Spring Has Sprung finally. The Daffodils are filling gardens and hedgerows with sunshine, even on the dullest, chilliest days. Newborn lambs are gambolling about in the fields, snow white and bleating for their mummies.

FF Spring Has Sprung
Snowdrops the first flowers to push through as Winter passes.

Spring is truly the Season of hope. Winter’s icy claws fight with the rising sun, whose warmth and light is needed more than we’d remembered.

The noisy chattering of Sparrows, in their happy little communities, only broken through by the song of a Blackbird. Morning truly has broken when you hear Blackbirds singing.

FF Spring Has Sprung
Chicks a reminder of new life.

Spring, with it’s promise of new life. Blossom refusing to obey the flat grey clouds, springs from the trees, once spent, will create Natures greatest show of confetti. Pink and white petals, flutter down, covering the ground like colourful snow.

FF Spring Has Sprung
Our Cherry Tree in full blossom.

Winter is behind and the long, scorching days of Summer lay ahead. Treasure every day. Each new bud that turns stark landscapes to vibrant green.

Yes Spring for me is truly the season of Hope. Easter, a prominent reminder, that what was dead, can indeed break the shackles of darkness and live again. Christ who gave His all on the Cross, the ultimate reminder, that when He arose from Death to Life, that we too, can have new life in Him.

FF Spring Has Sprung
A man kneeling before an empty cross. A sign that Jesus died and then rose again on the third day. Kneeling at the cross where forgiveness is found.

Yes Spring Has Sprung, grab hold of the Hope and New Life it offers. Take delight in the sounds of new birth. For One is crying out louder than all others “Come unto me, you weary and heavy laden and I shall give you rest?”.

FF Spring Has Sprung
Never forget that you are a child of God.

What does Spring hold for you?

Sammie x


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I'm Sammie founder of Feasting Is Fun where I share delicious and easy recipes with step by step photos, so you can have fun creating a feast without any fuss!

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