Hi, how are you today? Thank you so much for stopping by. I have the easiest, quick lunch for you today, especially if you’re wanting something hot. My Chesse Ham Stuffed Mushrooms are as delicious as they are easy to make!

How do you feel about your lunch? Personally I get a bit bored with sandwiches every day. In the Summer I’m happy to toss a few salad leaves on a plate, add some cumbled feta cheese and I’m good to go. During the colder, Winter, months there is usually fresh soup to hand. During Autumn, especially at the start, the weather and temperature yoyo almost on a daily basis. Today the sun is out but there is a definite chill in the air. I wanted something hot and comforting for lunch.
Having a good rummage around in the fridge yielded the mushrooms I have used in this recipe. I’ve seen a few ‘stuffed mushroom’ recipes popping up on Pinterest of late, so I got thinking – always a dangerous pursuit for me! More rummaging ensued and I decided on these Cheese Ham Stuffed Mushrooms.

I decided I would stuff the mushrooms with ham and cheese, whilst that would be lovely and tasty it felt, well, a bit boring. I don’t do boring!!!! I knew I had some lovely fresh Parsely growing in the garden and right in front of me was a bowl of the most brilliant ruby red, baby, homegrown tomatoes that my Mum had dropped round. I absolutely love it when you have an idea, it grows and the final result is sooo much better than you could ever have imagined.
These Cheese Ham Stuffed Mushrooms are meaty, cheesey, herby wonders – yep I know, there’s no meat involved! Once baked the mushroom flavour is concentrated and the mushroom becomes dense and delicious. You just have to trust me on this one, it’s a good’un.
Recipe : Serve two mushrooms for lunch, or one per person for a delicious starter.
2 Large Field/Portobello Mushrooms
50g/2oz Chopped Ham
50g/2oz Finely Grated Cheese – I used sharp Cheddar
6 Cherry Tomatoes – halved
1tsp Chopped Fresh Parsely
Ground Black Pepper
Method : Preheat the oven to 220C/200C fan
Place the mushrooms on a baking tray.

Now place the stuffed mushrooms into the oven and bake for 10 minutes. This gives the mushrooms time to cook a little before adding the cheese.
Remove from the oven after 10 minutes.

Place the stuffed mushroms bake into the oven and bake for a further 5-10 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted.
Once baked, remove the stuffed mushrooms from the oven.

Place the Cheese Ham Stuffed Mushrooms onto a plate. Leave for 5 minutes before eating, the mushrooms and tomatoes contain a lot of water and will be very hot – I know, I couldn’t wait to taste my creation and nearly burnt my tongue!!!! This dish actually tastes better after it has rested for a few minutes.
I deliberately didn’t add any oil, I simply didn’t see a need for it and no extra salt was needed as both the cheese and ham have salt in them. When I tasted these mushrooms the flavours worked beautifully together. I loved the grassy hit from the Parsely – but you could totally switch up the herbs. Chives would work well here, as would thyme. The herbs really need to be fresh, if fresh is not available I would leave them out altogether.

So, there you go. A yummy, warming lunch, that takes seconds to prepare and is ready in minutes. The recipe is for one lunch serving, it’s easy to double, treble etc. if cooking for more people. Please do that? This is definitely a recipe to be shared.
Do you have a stuffed mushroom recipe?
Now I’ve started stuffing mushrooms my brain is swirling with the endless possibilities there are. Watch this space!!! Not literally, that would be boring and we don’t do boring!!!!!
For another quick lunch idea you might like Perfect Panini Pizza
Sammie x
Oh wow it looks delicious!
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Thanks Candice they are yummy. Sammie x