Every time I look at the colour of this Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae it makes me smile.
The colours are bright, summery, vibrant and let’s face it beautiful!
So, just wait until you taste this!

So, let’s clear one important matter up, this Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae does NOT have to only be eaten on Sunday’s!
I know, I can feel your relief. Because this Sundae is so yummy you will definitely want to eat it on other days of the week too.
What Is A Sundae?
Start with the best vanilla ice cream, drape over vibrant, tart and fruity raspberry coulis and add delicious, soft, chocolate meringue all layered in a tall sundae glass. Absolutely the most incredible flavour combination where every ingredient is distinct, yet each works in total harmony as a whole.

You are so going to love this recipe. Apart from making the deeply chocolate meringues, there is no other baking involved!
And, as much as I love baking, I really, really do – sometimes it’s nice to pull together a fabulous dessert where very little effort.
Happy Baking Accidents
In fact this Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae came about by accident. Having baked the chocolate meringues I was hoping to make an Eton Mess type dessert. The cream, which was well within it’s use-by-date had gone off, the strawberries were past their best. The whole Eton Mess thing just wasn’t happening – don’t worry it will be made!
Instead I improvised. Typically, when I wing it the result is either amazing or revolting! Fortunately the combination of flavours in this incredible dessert totally, utterly and completely worked.
I mean really, really, really worked!

Don’t you just love it when things turn out better than you could of ever hoped?
Recipe: Makes 6 Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae
For the chocolate meringues:
Note: for photos showing step by step pavlova instructions, please see here
3 Large Egg Whites
125g/4.5oz Cater Sugar
1/2tsp Corn Flour
50g/2oz Cocoa Powder
1/2tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen Massey
1/2tsp White Wine Vinegar
For the raspberry coulis:
300g/11oz Raspberries – I used frozen raspberries from Waitrose
1tbsp Caster Sugar
Juice of a Lemon
Ice Cream – 750ml Vanilla Ice Cream – really good quality ice cream or you can use my recipe for Very Vanilla Ice Cream
Method: Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan, gas mark 3
Making the chocolate meringues:
Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan, gas mark 3
- Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
- In a large bowl add the 3 egg whites and whisk until they can hold a stiff peak.
- Continue whisking and addding in the caster sugar one tablespoon at a time.
- Keep mixing until the egg whites are glossy and the caster sugar has been incorporated.
- Add the vanilla extract, vinegar, corn flour and sift in the cocoa powder.

- Gently fold the ingredients into the meringue.
- Dollop 6 clouds of chocolate meringue onto the baking sheet.

- Place the chocolate meringues into the oven an immediately turn the oven temperature down to 140C/120C fan, gas mark 1.
- Bake the meringues for 40 minutes and then switch off the oven, allow the meringues to cool completely in the oven – this is how they will obtain their brownie like texture.
- Once completely cooled they can be used straight away, or stored in a tin, separated by baking parchment, where they will keep for 5 days.

Making the raspberry coulis:
- Place the fresh or frozen raspberries into a medium bowl.
- Sprinkle over 1 tablespoon of caster sugar.
- Cover and leave for at least an hour.
- Tip the raspberries, sugar and juice of a lemon into a blender.
- Blitz in the blender until you have a super smooth purée.
Assembling the Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae:
- Remove the vanilla ice cream from the freezer 20 minutes prior to assembling the sundaes.
- Place a scoop of ice cream into each sundae glass.
- Pour over some raspberry coulis, ensuring that you have a little left for the tops of the sundaes.
- Add another scoop of ice cream to each sundae glass.
- Break two thirds off of the chocolate meringue, break up and add on top of the second ice cream layer. Repeat for each sundae.
- Add a third and final scoop of ice cream on top of the crumbled chocolate meringue.
- Finish with a final drizzle of raspberry coulis and the final third of the chocolate meringue.

Serve with a long sundae spoon so that you can reach right down to the very bottom of your sundae glass. You are not going to want to waste any of this utterly luscious, refreshing dessert!
Bargain Buys For Delicious Desserts
I bought these sundae glasses a couple of years ago, in Asda for £1.50 each. I had been wanting some for ages and as a rather clumsy person at times, I needed something sturdy that could withstand me and be used for smoothies, milkshakes and of course sundaes. Plus if I do break one it is cheaper to replace.
We all enjoyed these Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundaes for dessert today and were amazed a not only the awesome flavour combo, but also how refreshing they are. These are a massive hit and will be enjoyed on many more occasions throughout the warmer months.
Each Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae has a 50g serving of raspberries and fresh lemon juice in it – they are virtually a health food 😉

In the photo above you can see how gloriously dark the inside of the chocolate meringue is – yummy!
Also, true to my promise, I am including more desserts on here – it’s a tough job……
If you have loved this recipe for Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae here are a few more you may like too:
Blackberry Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

Strawberry Chocolate Cheesecake

I never really urge you to try any particular recipe, but in this instance I am. The theme of Feasting is Fun is sharing and I’d be crazy not to encourage you to try these Raspberry Chocolate Ice Cream Sundaes at least once!
The meringues can’t fail as they aren’t meant to be light and fluffy, rather more like a dense brownie texture. Ice cream can be bought and the raspberry coulis is a whizz – literally.
Ooh I should also mention that this is a fab recipe if you have a sore throat – three of us here have sore throats at the moment and this cool, refreshing sundae really soothed.
Whatever you are making and baking in you kitchens this weekend I really do hope you have fun creating a feast to be share.
Sammie xx