Hello there, thank you for stopping by. Do you mind me asking you a question? Am I being Silly about using Silicone???

The photo above shows gorgeous little chocolate spoons, made in a Silicone mould.

The little choccie spoons are made in this lovely, flexible, Silicone mould. I’m pretty ok with that. It’s a mould! It doesn’t go in the oven, so I have faith that it’s ok to do the job of setting chocolate that’s poured into the little spoon shapes.
So all good so far. Now here comes the bit I struggle with. Baking, in the oven, using Silicone as cupcake cases, cake tins (Silicones???) and finally, as well as all the other shapes and sizes that Silicone bakeware comes in, this……..

I just can’t get my head around using something ‘plastic’ in the oven, in heat, where it’s hot, to cook something in.
I know it must be fine for use as baking equipment. I’ve seen chefs and cooks (including Nigella – she wouldn’t steer me wrong – would she???!) use Silicone for baking on the TV and they seem fine. It’s just, well, it’s not metal. Cake tins are metal (the clue is in the name!!)! They are sturdy and strong and don’t, for one moment look like they are going to MELT in the oven (don’t even get me started on whether they are safe, or if they are going to leach poisonous, plastic, chemicals into my food????).
Am I alone??? Are they really safe?? Is Silicone better than metal??? You see I’m just not convinced. I’ve been wanting to make Macaroons for ages. Every time I get a new Lakeland catalogue through the post, the Macaroon mould speaks to me – not literally!!! I want to make these…….

Please help me? Have you cooked/baked with Silicone. Does it work? Did you get poisoned – I’m serious here people. Is it fiddly to work with – the Macaroon mat looks very floppy and not sturdy, if I have to put it on a baking sheet doesn’t that defeat the object of using Silicone in the first place? Does it make food taste odd??
I really need your help to decide if I should invest in Silicone bakeware or stick with my solid metal (very reassuring that solid and metal bit!) bakeware???
Please share your thoughts and experiences with me? I really would appreciate your help with this.
Thank you. Sammie x
Note : All pictures taken from the current Lakeland catalogue.