Does Your Age Define You?

Hi. How are you? Does Your Age Define You? Does how old you feel match how old you are? In my head I will always be 22 years old – even though I’m in my mid forties. I’m determined that however old I become, my age will never define me. My body may limit me, but I will always search for ways to to live my life at its fullest.

Be inspired to not let your age define you.
Be inspired to not let your age define you.


Why should we limit ourselves, just because Society demands that once we reach a certain our hair should be cut to a certain length, permed and then have a blue rinse!!! I know that that is becoming less so these days, but do we /should we limit, or change the way we behave, dress, challenge ourselves just because we reach a certain age??

My mum is a huge inspiration to me. She recently passed her driving test – first time around, after taking lessons in her mid 60’s. She certainly didn’t let her age determine her ability to learn a new skill. I am so proud of her. Firstly for taking on the challenge of learning to drive and secondly, her determination to succeed and pass her test.

Anything is possible if you set your mind to succeed.
Anything is possible if you set your mind to succeed.


Our eldest daughter is sitting her GCSE’s this summer and there is huge pressure from her school, teachers, peers and society to ‘do well’.  Whilst encouragement is good, the sheer amount of pressure ‘to do well as the results will affect her choices for the rest of her life’  is rubbish!!

I have friends who have trained to be social workers, teachers and counsellors in their 40’s and 50’s. They worked, married, had children and decided to embark on a new career. I applaud and respect them so much. They truly are evidence that their age did not define them.

Make the most of ever opportunity, it may not pass by you again.
Make the most of ever opportunity, it may not pass by you again.


There are some amazingly talented children who master playing a musical instrument at a very young age. Beethoven wrote his first symphony age 5. He didn’t allow others to define his ability, nor should you! I started this blog in my mid 40’s knowing nothing AT ALL about how to go about setting up a website, widgets, thumbnails, plugins, code (half of which I still don’t understand, but I’m learning). I follow all different kinds of bloggers, including – beauty and fashion, lifestyle, photography, food and drink!!!

I quite often wear my hair up, sometimes in a ponytail. I was once asked “At what age do you think a ponytail would be unsuitable?”. I was astounded. Partly because it had never occurred to me that it might become ‘unsuitable’ and partly because I was surprised that someone would even think that way (I am kinda naive!!).

Do you feel confined or restricted by your age? Do you think it’s appropriate, as people grow older that they dress and present themselves at the age they are? Do you prefer to live outside of the box, seeing age as no hindrance to the life you intend to live? Have you accomplished something later in life, that you never dared to believe you could in your younger days?

How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?                       Does Your Age Define You? 

I would love to read your comments.


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I'm Sammie founder of Feasting Is Fun where I share delicious and easy recipes with step by step photos, so you can have fun creating a feast without any fuss!

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