Hello, how are you today? I’d like to share a few thoughts about tomorrow – Valetines Day.

Valentines Day, for me, is not about cards, flowers and all the other little love touches that surround the day – as pretty, appreciated and adorable as they are. For me Valentines Day is a gentle reminder, to show all the people in my life that I am blessed to love, that I DO indeed love and appreciate them.

My hubby and I have always taught our, not so lil children, that love is a doing word. For me a cup of tea in bed, a thank you for an every day task, 5 minutes just snuggling with my homework laden babies, fills my love tank. There are literally thousands of ways they show us, as parents, that they love us – and I love that!!

As a family we watch out for each other. Making time in our fast paced 24/7 world says, you are important to me. We aren’t perfect, but we are trying. Recently during our eldest daughter’s exams, her younger sister bought her a little something (usually chocolate – the universal language of love with teenage girls, in fact most girls!!) for everyday she had an exam. She was showing her big sis love, telling her how proud she was of her and recognising how hard she had worked. That no matter what, she would always be there for her. As a mum my heart melted.

Our lil man gets up before everyone else at the weekend and feeds our cat and dog. A small act of love that means we get a lay-in! My gorgeous hubby brings me a cup of tea, in bed each morning through the work week, I feel loved. When I have a rotten migraine he holds back my hair, if I’m being sick, I KNOW I am loved.

I have said before that I enjoy cooking for other people, especially as a way of showing them that they are loved, appreciated, valued and important in my life. This is not restricted to our immediate family of 5, but our parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and honorary family members. It’s nice to feel special but it’s AMAZING to make someone feel loved.

So I guess what I’m saying is that, true love is in the giving and receiving. When God created Adam, He said “It is not good for man to be alone” and created Eve, from Adam as his helpmate/partner/wife/friend. He gave Adam a person to love – not just God himself.

So while I love the opportunity to whip up a batch of heart shaped shortbread for family and loved ones on Valentines Day and cook a special dinner for us as a family, really I see Valentines Day as a reminder, to me, to be more loving, show more affection (I’m not really the most ‘cuddly person’) but others are, so I’m working on that. I prefer to do the giving rather than receiving, but others want to show me their love too! Love is not fixed. It’s adapting to others needs whilst still retaining a sense of who you are – cos that’s why you’re loved!!

I wish everyone of you a Happy Valentines Day, where, no matter how hard you try, you are loved more than you love. May your Valentines Day be showered by little hearts of love, may you KNOW the truest love of all – Jesus. Let your heart be filled with His Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Grace and Life, that you too can say, for sure “I am loved, just as I am”.
Love Sammie xx