Bloggers This Needs To Be Said

Bloggers This Needs To Be Said.

Hello lovely people, I have something to say to ALL Bloggers today that I have been putting off ever since I started reading blogs.

I thoroughly enjoy the blogs I read and sometimes would like to leave a comment. I would average a guess that approximately 50% of the time I’m unable to do so.

If I could leave you a comment I would.
If I could leave you a comment I would.

Bloggers this needs to be said:

Have you ever tried to leave a message, or comment on your own or someone else’s blog via a smartphone or IPad?

Sometimes it is impossible. Adverts cover the necessary login details and/or the comment section.

When you try to leave a comment the screen appears and then changes onto something else before you can even type a letter.

Hovering adverts move all over the place, making it impossible to leave a comment.

Suddenly an App screen will appear and contact with your website is lost.

These are just a few examples I have come across in the 10 months I have been blogging and reading blogs.

I’m sorry I have had to write a blog about it but you are the very people I can’t leave a message to!!

I completely understand that advertising brings in much needed income, however, a lot of blogs are read on the commute to work, waiting for an appointment etc and these are read mostly on phones!

Sometimes I will try up to 10 times to leave a comment, trying to dodge the Ads, I’m a pretty patient person. Surely I can’t be the only one who had encountered this?

So please if you have adverts, sharing is caring, follow me or floating social media buttons on your blog, please check that they aren’t obscuring your comments section?

Please think of those people who have spent valuable time on your site and want to leave a comment?
Please think of those people who have spent valuable time on your site and want to leave a comment?

What you may be gaining in revenue you could be losing in followers and feedback. Surely that is the most important thing?

I love reading blogs and have found the blogosphere a very welcoming space. This post is NOT meant as an attack in any way, shape or form against bloggers, merely a gentle plead to help you, your blog and your readers.

If you don't know you can't fix it!
If you don’t know you can’t fix it!

Thank you for reading this and I hope I can read many more blogs and successfully leave comments.

Have you come across this problem when trying to leave comments?

Are you aware of this problem but can’t change the advert/social media follow setup?

Sammie x

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I'm Sammie founder of Feasting Is Fun where I share delicious and easy recipes with step by step photos, so you can have fun creating a feast without any fuss!

6 thoughts on “Bloggers This Needs To Be Said”

  1. Yes- I’ve had a lot of problems with this. It’s particularly irritating when I’m trying to comment on a linky where I’m obliged to comment. I know some themes aren’t responsive so don’t work as well on phones or iPads as they do on a computer. I think mine is ok but I’ve given up in frustration many times before.

    1. Thank you Morna. Computers are better, but I find it’s the jumping Ads and follow buttons that are the worse. Comments really mean a lot to me and presumably all bloggers that have comment widgets! It’s self defeating as you aren’t able to leave them a comment to say how difficult it was!!!!

    1. Thank you. It’s sooooo frustrating and self defeating for the bloggers. I want the blogging community to support each other, leaving comments is part of that. I hope more people read this post.

  2. I really love the summer and I feel like this post has really got me into the summer mood thank you sooooo much!! Love your posts.

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