Thank you for stopping by to read this post and find out how to make Perfectly Mashed Potatoes. If you are curious as to why I should post such an easy recipe here’s my answer. Because everyone has to learn the basics. Including me. Since I wasn’t born with the knowledge of how to cook a roast, boil an egg or mash potatoes. I learnt, mostly, from watching my Grandma, whilst I was growing up.

Always an inquisitive child, I literally hung around her apron strings and learnt how to cook, bake, make preserves, prove bread and much more. My earliest memory is standing on a stall, shucking peas that my Grandad had freshly picked from the garden.
So a love of cooking, indeed, more being in the kitchen and making something, was present from a very early age. At home, I recall asking if I could peel some potatoes. I was given a bowl, full of cold water, to wash off the dirt, potatoes didn’t come pre-washed in the 1970’s and a small vegetable peeler. While a whole hour had passed and I still hadn’t finished! That didn’t matter, I was learning.

Especially in today’s world of convenience food and £1 packets of ready mashed potatoes available from the supermarket, learning how to cook basic recipes, isn’t always taught at home, in the way that I learned. So yes a recipe for Perfectly Mashed Potatoes, is here, because who doesn’t love mash???
Usually kitchens will have a potato masher utensil in them, if not they can be picked up, fairly cheaply, from any shop that sells kitchenware. I will not be using a potato ricer, hand whisk, kitchen stand mixer or any other contraption to make these Perfectly Mashed Potatoes, simply a potato masher. Because it is what most people have to hand and in my opinion, produces the best mashed potatoes!
So the only equipment you will need to make your mash is:
- A sharp knife
- Saucepan
- Colinder
- Potato Masher
- Optional – vegetable peeler
Most kitchens will be equipped with this equipment, if not, each item can be bought inexpensively as mentioned above.
Recipe: Perfectly Mashed Potatoes serves 6-8 adults
2.5kg/5lbs Potatoes suitable for mashing – I used Albert Bartlett Elfe Potatoes – these have a particularly creamy texture and buttery taste, Rooster potatoes are also good for mashing. Any potato that is described as floury, suitable for mash can be used. However for the best mash I’ve tried I do recommend Elfe potatoes.
75g/3oz Butter
100mls/4fl ozs Whole Milk
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg – freshly grated is even better.
Method: Half fill a large saucepan with cold water
- Using a vegetable peeler or small paring knife peel the potatoes.
- Cut them into 5cm/2″ chunks as you go and immediately place in the pan of cold water.
- NOTE: If peeled potatoes are left out of water they will start to turn brown.
- Once all of the potatoes have been peeled and cut up, top up the pan with cold water, so that the potatoes are just covered.

- Turn the heat onto high on the hob and bring the potatoes up to a boil.
- As soon as they are boiling turn the heat down and let the potatoes simmer for 15 minutes.
- To test if the potatoes are cooked, insert a sharp knife into a couple of chunks, there shouldn’t be any resistance and the potato chunk may well break in half.
- Once cooked drain the potatoes in a colinder and allow to steam dry for 5 minutes.

- Empty any water from the saucepan the potatoes were cooked in.
- Add the butter and milk to the pan and heat until the butter is melted.
- I add 1/2tsp of sea salt, a good grinding of black pepper and the ground nutmeg to the milk/butter at this stage.
- Take the pan off of the heat and add the cooked potatoes.

- The next step is simply to plunge in with the potato masher and keep mashing until all the potatoes have broken down and you have smooth, creamy, Perfectly Mashed Potatoes.
- I quite often get the children to mash our potatoes and yes, it does require a bit of elbow grease and effort (which with my back I’m not able to apply).
- The potatoes are so beautifully soft and creamy, that they break down easily.
- Serve the potatoes straight away onto dinner plates, or for special occasions, pile into a serving bowl, dot with a little extra butter and a light sprinkle of nutmeg.
Yes it really is that simple!

Perfectly Mashed Potatoes are the perfect accompaniment to so many meals, made well they are delicious just on their own, perhaps with a little grated, sharp cheddar to top!
If you have enjoyed this recipe for Perfectly Mashed Potatoes, here are some other potato recipes you also may like:

Baked Garlic Herb Potato Wedges

Were you taught to cook at home, or are you just learning?
Thank you for all of you lovely comments, I get such a thrill knowing you have baked and enjoyed one of my recipes, please keep them coming.
Also it is great seeing all the pictures of your makes and bakes on Twitter and Instagram. Please keep them coming, tag me in and I’ll be sure to give you a shoutout or retweet.
Are there any other basic recipes that you would like to see on Feasting is Fun? Let me know and if I can, I will post them for you.
I always try to remember that everyone has to start at the beginning. Most of all the fun is in the journey and we are all here to support each other as we learn.
Sammie xx
@sammiefeasting Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest
The Albert Bartlett Elfe potatoes were won in a competition. All opinions and views are my own, as is the content of this post. Please see my Disclosure Policy