FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

Who loves the idea of eating jam tarts for breakfast? I certainly do. My Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts are a fun way to start the day.

Since being inspired yesterday by a conversation on Twitter and with a spare packet of ready rolled, all butter pastry in the fridge, I challenged myself to come up with a twist on the regular jam tart. Literally! So I set about creating a tart that as well as being easy to pick up and eat, also has the filling covered.

Resulting in these Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts, that taste rather like a Danish pastry. While being easy to make, the golden pastry hides an apricot half and strawberry jam. Follow with a final sprinkling of demerara sugar over the egg washed pastry, a quick bake and the result is a delicious, fruity, flaky pastry delight!

FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts so easy to make and easier to eat 😉

Having never tried to bake something like this before, I was unsure how they would turn out. I couldn’t have been more thrilled. Each twist is strong enough to hold the entire tart by, which makes them ideal as picnic and finger food.

Also, the demerara sugar caramelises on the pastry, nudging each twist into a sweeter flavour sensation. Combining apricots with strawberry jam was utter flavour heaven. While the bake softened, tart apricots are offset by the sweet strawberry jam. Most importantly, for the very best flavour, use all butter puff pastry when making these tarts.

Unusual shaped fruit pastry on a plate with a mug of tea to one side.
Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

Making these Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts was one of those moments in the kitchen when everything goes to plan and turns out better than I could of ever hoped for. And if I can make these, then so can you!

Recipe: Makes 6 Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

320g Ready Rolled All Butter Puff Pastry – I used Just Rol

6 Apricot halves – I used tinned ones from Waitrose

2-3tbsp Good Quality Strawberry Jam- I used Hartleys Best Strawberry Jam

1-2tbsp Demerara Sugar -I used Billingtons

1 Medium Free Range Egg

Method: Preheat the oven to 210C/190C fan, gas mark 6, 425F.

Assembling The Fruit Tarts

  • Unroll the puff pastry ensuring that you have a baking tray that fits the size of the pastry. Trim the paper that the pastry has been wrapped up in so that it fits within the tray, as you will be using it to bake the tarts on.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut the pastry into 6 equal squares.

FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

    This photo shows how to cut the squares.
  • Cut diagonally from each corner towards the centre two thirds of the way. See the photograph above.
  • Crack the egg into a small bowl and whisk. This is the egg wash.
  • Brush each of the squares with the egg wash.
  • Place a scant teaspoon of strawberry jam in the centre of each tart.
  • Put half an apricot, flat side down, over the top of the jam.
FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts 
  • Take the right hand point of the triangle at the front and place it over the apricot. Pressing down to secure the fold.
  • Next take the left hand point of the opposite triangle and do the same.

FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

  • Continue for each tart, placing a cocktail stick through the pastry and apricot in the centre to secure it while baking.
  • Next take the top right hand point of the triangle on the right of the tart and fold it so it is on top of the other point of the triangle.
  • Work in the opposite direction for the left hand triangle.
FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
Each tart has an X type shape.
  • Brush the tarts with egg wash again and sprinkle over liberally with demerara sugar.

Baking The Tarts

  • Place the Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes and bake until they are puffed and golden.
  • As soon as the tarts are baked remove from the oven and transfer to a cooling rack.

The portion size of these fun and delicious tarts is perfect. And not having to transfer the tarts from a floured board to baking parchment really does make these so easy to whip up. Although I haven’t tried it, I suspect these Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts would also freeze well, for up to one month. Defrost overnight in the refrigerator and then refresh by reheating in a moderate oven for 10 minutes.

Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts

In future I will definitely make a double batch, as these tart have proved very popular here at home.

Also, I need to make these again soon as I am sure they would be delicious served warm with a scoop of my Very Vanilla Ice Cream

So there you go easy peasy jam tarts, with a twist!

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts you may also like these:

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FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
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FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
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FF Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts
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Pastry is such a wonderfully versatile baking medium. I always have a stash of all butter puff pastry in the freezer. Because it is so handy when a quick meal, dessert, or even a decision to go out for the day tomorrow, as the weather looks good picnic!

If you try these Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts please let me know how you get on? I love reading your comments and appreciate you taking time to write them. Also, I love seeing your makes and bakes on Twitter and Instagram. And if you tag me in and I will be sure to give you a shout out and retweet.

So, whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing and sharing your feast.

Sammie xx

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I'm Sammie founder of Feasting Is Fun where I share delicious and easy recipes with step by step photos, so you can have fun creating a feast without any fuss!

2 thoughts on “Twisted Fruity Jam Tarts”

  1. Thank you Sarah. Once I had figured out how to get the shape these were so easy and delicious. Perfect for breakfast this morning. Sammie

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