Hi, I have a double treat for you today. This absolutely delicious Spiced Fruit Loaf not only tastes amazing, but, the aroma, gently wafting from the oven, makes the whole house smell incredible. Cinnamon and bread filled with tasty dried fruit, baking together.
Who needs air freshener when you can bake this wonderful Spiced Fruit Loaf,

If you have never baked bread before, bake this!
This Spiced Fruit Loaf is stuffed full of dried fruits. Don’t hide raisin haters! Although there are some dried vine fruits in this loaf (which you can absolutely leave out), there’s also dried cranberries and figs. Soft, golden, dried apricots would be a fantastic addition as well.

The bread dough is enriched with egg, milk and butter and spiced with cinnamon and ginger. And as if bread baking didn’t smell good enough, this Spiced Fruit Loaf kicks it into another dimension.
A Great Breakfast Bread Loaf
My absolute favourite way to enjoy this bread is toasted, for breakfast. As my nose is assaulted with another spice hit as the bread toasts.
Perfect with a cup of good coffee.

I have been reviewing some baking products from British Bakeware, including their 3lb loaf pan. Having baked a range of breads I wanted to create something that really did the pan justice.
This Spiced Fruit Loaf does!

One thick slice of this bread kept me full all morning – and it contains fruit, so it must be good for you. Right?
Everyone in our house was eager to try this tasty breakfast loaf this morning and they were not disappointed. As a mum I’m happier, during these chilly winter months, when they all have a hot breakfast. And I honestly do believe it is the most important meal of the day. So why not make it a tasty one?
Recipe: Makes 1 Spiced Fruit Loaf
500g/1lb 2oz Strong White Bread Flour
1 Large Free Range Egg
Approx 320ml/ just over 1/2 pint Whole Milk at room temperature
1tsp Honey
1 Sachet Fast Action Dried Yeast (7g)
1tsp/7g Salt – I use Maldon
75g/3oz Unsalted Butter plus extra for greasing the loaf pan
2tsp Cinnamon
1tsp Ginger
225g/8oz Dried Fruit – I used equal quantities of vine fruits, chopped dried figs and dried cranberries
You will need a 3lb loaf pan.
Making And Proving The Dough
- Crack the egg into a jug. Make up to 340mls/12fl oz with milk. Using a fork, lightly beat together to break up the egg.
- Pour this liquid into the bowl of a bread maker or stand mixer.
- Add the honey and yeast.
- Next add the flour.
- Add the salt to the top of the flour and add the cubed butter.
If using a bread maker start the dough cycle, adding the spices and dried fruit when prompted by the machine, or 5 minutes before the mixing finishes.
If using a stand mixer, attach the dough hook. Mix on medium speed until all the ingredients are combined into a dough. Continue mixing for a further 5 minutes. Stop the mixer and scrape the dough from the hook, back down into the bowl. Add the spices and dried fruit and continue to mix on medium speed for a further 5 minutes. Stop the mixing and scrape all the dough from the hook. Form into a ball, place back into the mixer bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave in a draught free place until doubled in size – approximately 1 hour.
Butter the loaf pan and set aside.
Knocking Back And Shaping The Dough
When the bread mixer has finished its dough cycle, restart again and allow the machine to mix (knock back) the dough for 2 minutes.
As soon as the dough in the stand mixer bowl has doubled in size, remove the cloth and mix, with the dough hook attached, on medium speed for 2 minutes. Again this knocks back the dough.
- Turn your knocked back dough out onto a floured surface. It will be very sticky.
- Press the dough to form a roughly rectangular shape.
- Fold the bottom third of the dough up and then bring the top third down.
- Turn the dough over, so that the seam is underneath. Form the dough into a log shape and place into the prepared loaf pan.
- Finally, cover with a damp cloth and leave in a draught free place until doubled in size – approx 1 hour.
10 minutes before the loaf is ready to be baked preheat the oven to 220C/200C fan oven, gas mark 7, 425F.

Baking The Spiced Fruit Bread Loaf
- As soon as the dough is doubled in size, remove the cloth and bake in the centre of a preheated oven for 30 minutes.
- The loaf is baked when it has a dark, golden crust and sounds hollow when rapped on the base with your knuckle.
- When baked, remove the bread from the oven.
- Turn the loaf out of the pan and place on a cooling rack.

Leave to cool completely.
I know you want to tear into this Spiced Fruit Loaf the moment it comes out of the oven, but you shouldn’t. The butter and fruit in this loaf make it particularly squidgy whilst warm.
Trust me! As soon as this beauty is cool it will slice beautifully.
Enjoy as is, smothered in butter, or toasted and buttered.
If you enjoyed this recipe for Spiced Fruit Loaf then you may also like these:

I absolutely love the smell and taste of hot cross buns around Easter and if you feel the same I know you too will enjoy this spiced and fruited bread. And a huge advantage to making bread at home is you can add whatever dried fruits you like. For example, I am allergic to oranges, yes it is annoying, but it means I can make Hot Cross Buns at home and leave the offensive ingredient out! Because that’s the beauty of baking at home, you chose what goes into your bakes.
So, whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing and sharing your feast.
Sammie xx
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