I have come across very few people who do not like ice cream. Perhaps they are restricted due to dietary reasons, and yet they still love it. And the most popular flavour, by far, is chocolate. So why not indulge yourself with my dreamy, creamy Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream?

So, if you are a lover chocolate ice cream, then this is THE one for you!
Rich, smooth chocolate ice cream with delicious chunks of white, milk and dark chocolate in every mouthful. What more could a chocolate lover ask for!

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen our three teenage children so excited about an ice cream. They absolutely couldn’t wait for the photo shoot of this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream to be over so that they could start eating their laden cones.

Quite a cute picture, especially as the tallest is holding the bottom ice cream!
A Divine Recipe
Divine Chocolate sent me some of their chocolate to use in baking. And so I couldn’t resist making an ice cream. Not just any ice cream though, a really good chocolate ice cream, with whole pieces of chocolate throughout, making each bite utterly delicious.

While I have made no churn ice cream before, which did turn out spectacularly well, following attempts have been too sweet for my palette. Although our children have enjoyed my experiments, I couldn’t honestly put the recipes on here. Because, my standards are high and overly sweet doesn’t cut it with me.

While it may be seen as more convenient making a no churn ice cream, the preparation time is the same, although churning adds an extra 15-20 minutes. Although churned ice cream is already three quarters frozen when it goes into the freezer. So there’s less time to wait until it’s ready to scoop!
Anyhow this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream is beautiful when churned, with a silky, smoothness that tempts the tastebuds.
Recipe: Make 750ml Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
300ml/ 1/2 pint Double Cream
300ml/ 1/2 pint Milk – Whole or Semi Skimmed
4 Large Free Range Egg Yolks – the whites can be frozen for up to 1 month
1tsp Corn Flour
5 tablespoons Caster Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen Massey
200g/7oz Dark Chocolate
100g/4oz Milk Chocolate
100g/4oz White Chocolate
Method: Ensure the frozen compartment of your ice cream maker has been in the freezer for 12 hours or according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Making The Ice Cream Base
Note: For step by step instructions with accompanying photographs please see Very Vanilla Ice Cream.
- Pour the cream and milk into a heavy bottomed saucepan and heat over a medium heat, until scalding point is reached, a rim of small bubbles will appear appear around the outside liquid, at the saucepan’s edge, this is called the scalding point, just before the liquid is about to boil. As soon as the scalding point has been reached remove the pan from the heat.
- Into a large, heatproof bowl add the egg yolks, sugar, corn flour and vanilla extract.
- Whisk the egg yolks until they are pale and thickened, with the whisk running slowly gently pour the scalded liquid on to the eggs. Whisk until thoroughly incorporated.
- Tranfer the contents of the bowl back to the saucepan, (I quickly wash up the original bowl, once the custard base has been poured into the pan and before I put the pan back on to the heat). Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir until the custard base has thickened and coats the back of a wooden spoon.
- Break up 150g of the dark chocolate and place it into the freshly washed bowl.
- Pour the custard base, through a sieve, into the bowl, over the top of the broken chocolate.
- Stir until the chocolate has completely melted into the hot custard base. Incidentally, this is also how to make chocolate custard!
- Place cling film directly on to the top of the chocolate custard, to stop a skin forming and leave to cool on the worktop until warm, then place in the fridge to completely chill.
Churning The Ice Cream
- Set up your ice cream maker as per the manufacturer’s instructions, mine has to be churning as I pour the ice cream base in.
- Remove the cling film from the top of the ice cream base and give it a good mix. If you find it easier transfer the liquid to a jug.
- Pour the chocolate ice cream base into the churning bowl via the opening.
- Churn for 15-20 minutes until the ice cream is thickly frozen.
Preparing The Ice Cream To Freeze
- Once churned to a thick consistency, turn off the machine and remove the top and paddle. Scrape off as much ice cream from the paddle as you can. And then, over the sink lick off the rest!!
- Using a deep silicone spatula, transfer the thick chocolate ice cream to a freezer proof container that has a tight fitting lid.
- Roughly chop the remaining dark, milk and white chocolate.

- Sprinkle the chocolate chunks on top of the thick chocolate ice cream in the freezer tub.

- Swirl the triple chocolate chunks evenly through the ice cream. I use the handle of a wooden spoon, swirling the chunks through the ice cream. Then snap on the tight fitting lid and place in the freezer for 6-8 hours, or overnight to finish freezing.

How good does that tub look?
Exactly! You cannot buy this kind of deliciousness.
To serve, remove from the freezer 15-20 minutes prior to serving. As there are no artificial softeners or artificial anything in this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream, it needs a little time to warm before being scoop-able!
Scoop into cones, bowls, chocolate dipped cups, or even my Toffee Cookie Cups – whatever your heart desires.

Then tuck in. Savour the supreme creaminess of this delightful ice cream.
Just a little tip, make a double batch of this ice cream, it disappeared in one night between 5 of us – just sayin’.
If you love this recipe for Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream why not take a look at these:

Ice cream is fun. Since it brings back childhood memories for many people and why shouldn’t we still enjoy food from our memories.
During my summer ice cream making journey, all who have tried the various flavours I have made, including the ones that didn’t make the cut, have agreed that homemade tastes best.
So as we edge into Autumn and proper pudding season begins, don’t banish your ice cream maker to the back of the cupboard, languishing lonely for another year. And yes in our house ice cream makers have feelings. Join me as I pair new ice cream flavours with puddings and desserts through the colder months.
Not got an ice cream maker? I highly recommend the Which Best Buy ice cream maker from Andrew James . It has been thoroughly tested throughout the summer, keep your eyes open for the review coming up shortly.
Have fun, feasting, sharing and enjoying good company, remembering that food always tastes better when it’s shared!
Sammie xx
Divine Chocolate provided me with the chocolate for this recipe. All view, opinions, content and photography are my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.