Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies


I adore Brownies. And there are numerous recipes on here for different types of delicious Brownies including these Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bites. Since they are so popular, I am always trying to create new flavours and textures. for that reason, these Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies are a complete delight. Fudgey chocolate brownies topped with chopped Rolos, Caramac drizzle and a sprinkling of honeycomb.

FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

In one word they are WOW! While all of the brownie recipes I have are excellent, the addition of melted Rolos to the batter in these brownies sends them over the top. Since the actual brownie itself is more like fudge. Yet without the extreme sweetness that sets fudge apart. Also, I added a little extra salt to the brownie batter and this perfectly offsets the sweetness bringing balance to the flavour.

FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

Caramac love

Previously I’ve had limited success adding Caramac to a bake, as essentially it is caramel flavoured white chocolate, so I use it as a topping. Because this way you end up with the exquisite caramel flavour and none of the bitter burnt Caramac in a bake. Also it works very well in a ganache such as these Salted Caramac Centre Toffee Cookies. Used here in these brownies it perfectly compliments the caramel flavour within the brownie.


FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

Because these Brownies are quite rich I have cut them into slightly smaller bars. Ensuring the there are plenty to share around! Also, I think the texture is improved when they are fridge cold. In addition, I find that the brownie itself pulls together and the texture is firmer. Finally, enough of me waffling, let’s get on to making these tasty treats.

Recipe: Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies makes 18

For the Brownies:

200g/7oz Milk Chocolate

100g/4oz Dark Chocolate

150g/ 3 tubes of Rolos

200g/7oz Unsalted Butter

1/2 tsp Sea Salt – I use Maldon halve the quantity if using free flowing salt

4 Large Free Range Eggs

200g/7oz Dark Brown Muscavado Sugar – I use Billingtons

1 tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen-Massey

75g/3oz Plain White Flour

To decorate:

110g/ 1 large bag Caramac Buttons

150g/ 3 tubes of Rolos

Optional – Honeycomb – I use Art of Mallow alternatively use a Cadbury’s Crunchie

Method: preheat oven at 180C/160C fan, 350F, gas mark 4.

Note: you will need a 20cm x 28cm x 5cm / 8” x 11” x 2” Swiss roll tin, very lightly greased and lined with baking parchment.

Making the brownie batter

  • First of all, in a heatproof, microwaveable bowl add the butter, both types of chocolate and 3 tubes of  Rolos. Zap on medium power for 30 seconds at a time until the chocolate and butter start to melt. Remove from the microwave and stir continuously until everything is melted. Set aside to cool.
  • In a separate bowl add the eggs, salt, vanilla extract and muscavado sugar. Whisk with a balloon whisk until the sugar and eggs are completely combined.
Four images showing the brownie mixture being prepared.
Preparing the brownie mixture.
  • As soon as the chocolate mixture is at body temperature pour in the egg mix, stirring continuously as you do so.
  • Add the flour and fold carefully into the mixture ensuring there aren’t any lumps.
  • Pour the brownie batter into the prepared tin. Rap the tin against the worktop a couple of times to release any air bubbles.

Baking the brownies

  • Place the tin in the centre of the oven and bake for 10 minutes. After the initial baking time has elapsed, carefully, protecting yourself with oven gloves, rap the tin against the oven shelf as before. It may sound crazy, however the best brownies are dense and fudgey, the opposite of cakes which are light and airy.
  • Continue baking for 15-18 minutes. Total baking time 25-28 minutes.
Four images showing the wet and dry mix combination and then pouring the brownie mix into the baking tin.
Combining the wet and dry mixes and then pouring the brownie mix into a prepared baking tin.
  • The brownies are baked when the top is set and there is just a hint of a jiggle in the centre.
  • As soon as the brownies are baked remove from the oven and allow to cool completely in the tin.

Decorating the brownies

  • Once cooled the brownies can be decorated.
  • First of all, using the baking parchment and a palette knife, remove the brownie slab from the tin.
  • Peel away the sides of the baking parchment and run a palette knife between the base and the parchment to separate them.
  • Place the Caramac buttons in a heatproof, microwaveable bowl and zap for 20 seconds at a time. As soon as they start to melt remove and stir continuously until completely melted. Pour the melted Caramac into a disposable piping bag, or sandwich bag. Snip off the very end and pipe diagonally across the brownie, using approximately half of the Caramac.
  • Unwrap 3 tubes of Rolos and cut in half. Sprinkle the Rolos evenly across the brownie, making sure that some are cut side up so that the caramel inner can be seen. Also sprinkle over some crushed honeycomb.
  • Finally pipe the rest of the Caramac on top, in a diagonal style as before.
FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Decorating the Brownies with Caramac drizzle and Rolos.
  • Slide the decorated brownie slab on to a board and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to allow the Caramac to set.
FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

Portioning The Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

  • As soon as the Caramac has set you can cut the brownie into portions.
  • First of all cut across the width twice, dividing it into 3 separate pieces. Now cut down the centre dividing the brownie in half. Cut down twice on either side creating 3 sections on each side. You should have 18 equally sized brownie bars.
FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
  • Each of the Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies has a little bit of everything, resulting in a lot of fabulous, fudgey,  flavour.
FF Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

Serve each brownie with a smile. I enjoyed my first taste alongside a delicious hot latte. The perfect combination.

Store in layers, separated with baking parchment, in an airtight container. During warmer weather keep refrigerated. Eat within 5 days, if they last that long!

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies you may also like these:
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies

Hazelnut fudge brownies.
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies

Bakery Style Triple Chocolate Cookies

Triple Chocolate Cookies - bakery style.
Bakery Style Triple Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Madness Muffins

Chocolate chip muffins
Chocolate Madness Muffins

Baking and cooking for others is my passion. Especially seeing eyes light up, big smiles and chocolatey faces appreciating what I’ve made gives me a warm feeling inside. Sharing and enjoying feasting with others makes eating an experience, not simply a fuel-stop function. While chatting, laughing and having fun also creates shared memories that knit us all closer together. As we head towards the bank holiday weekend here in England I hope that you will take every opportunity to have fun and enjoy feasting.

Sammie xx

No part of this post may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the owner. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies


If you are a fan of nuts and brownies I can guarantee you will be mad for these Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies. Since they are packed with an almost obscene amount of chocolate, giving the dense fudgey texture and taste required in all great brownies. Also add in a ridiculous amount of chopped and whole hazelnuts and the resulting flavour is Ferrero Rocher in a brownie. Resulting in a gooey, crunchy combination of chocolate and hazelnut flavours.

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies.

Since eating a brownie is an indulgence, it makes sense to eat only the best. Made using 400 grams of good quality chocolate, dark, treacly sugar and aromatic vanilla extract, the basic brownie is already exceptional. In addition, by adding roasted, chopped hazelnuts to the brownie batter, not only does the flavour resemble Nutella, the hazelnuts add crunch to the texture. Finally, whole hazelnuts, roasted during the baking process, completes the exceptional flavour profile.

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies

Preparing The KItchen For Brownie Making

While brownies are fun to make, things can get messy! So wearing an apron, or if you are like me with chocolate in the kitchen, overalls, is advisable. Also a sink full of soapy water is handy. Furthermore, mentally preparing for a ‘bit’ of kitchen mess relaxes the mind for the chocolate bomb to come! Since it is impossible for me to make brownies without creating a mess, I assume the same of everyone. Finally, know that the clean up process takes less time than baking the brownies. 😉

Pinterest image with graphics describing what the image is

Recipe: Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies makes 15

200g/7oz Dark Chocolate minimum 70% Cocoa Solids

200g/7oz Milk Chocolate minimum 35% Cocoa Solids

225g/8oz Unsalted Butter

2tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen-Massey

4 Large Free Range Eggs

1/4tsp Sea Salt – 1/8tsp Free flowing salt – I use Maldon

225g/8oz Dark Brown Muscavado Sugar – I use Waitrose as their dark sugar’s are made by Billingtons 

75g/3oz Plain White Flour

1/2tsp Bicarbonate of Soda

100g/4oz Ready Roasted Chopped Hazelnuts

100g/4oz Whole Blanched Hazelnuts

Method: Preheat the oven 170C/150 fan, gas mark 3.5, 325F

You will need a 22.5cm x 30cm (9″ x 12″) deep tin, lined with foil or baking parchment.

Making The Hazelnut Studded Brownie Batter

  • First of all break or chop the chocolate into chunks and place in a medium, heatproof, microwaveable bowl.
  • Add the butter to the chocolate.
  • Heat, using a microwave, on medium power, for 30 second bursts. Stir between each heating period.
  • As soon as the chocolate starts to melt remove the bowl from the microwave. Continue to stir until all of the chocolate is melted and combined with the melted butter. Set to one side to cool.
  • Next, into a separate bowl, add the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. Stir to combine the ingredients.
  • As soon as the chocolate mixture is cooled to body temperature pour the egg mixture in and stir constantly until the mixture is combined.
  • Sieve the flour and bicarbonate of soda on to the combined mix. Now add the chopped, roasted hazelnuts.
  • Stir the flour and nuts into the chocolate mix.
FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Nutty brownie batter ready for the baking tin.
  • Pour the brownie batter into the prepared tin.
FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies ready for the oven.

Tips On Baking The Ultimate Brownies

  • Unlike baking a cake, where air bubbles are needed to help the cake rise, brownies are rich and dense with very little rise. To encourage an even bake, rap the filled baking tin sharply on the worktop. Doing so encourages any air bubbles present to rise to the surface of the batter.
  • Place the baking tin in the centre of the oven and bake for 10 minutes exactly.
  • Remove the baking tin after the initial baking time has elapsed. The surface of the brownies will have just started to set.
  • Sprinkle over the additional whole hazelnuts, use the back of a spoon to gently press into the surface of the brownie. Take care as the brownie tin will be very hot.
FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Whole hazelnuts give crunch to the finished bake.
  • Return the tin to the oven and continue to bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • The brownies are baked when set, with only a hint of a wobble in the centre.
  • As soon as the brownies are baked remove from the oven and place the tin on a cooling rack.
FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies cool in the tin.
  • Leave the brownies to cool in the tin. Or if you simply cannot wait, cool slightly, scoop portions of brownie into bowls and top with vanilla ice cream!

Serving Suggestions

Cut the cooled brownie slab into 3 even sized widths, then cut across at 5 evenly spaced lengths. Use a palette knife to slide between the base of the brownie and foil. Although the foil/baking parchment should easily peel away.

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies very tasty.

Serve slightly warmed (20 seconds in the microwave) with a scoop of ice cream for dessert. Alternatively, serve with a cold tumbler of milk.

Once cooled keep in an airtight container for up to 5 days. Although, who’s kidding that they will last that long? Definitely not in this house!

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies then you may like these:

Chocolate Biscuit Base Mini Egg Brownies

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Biscuit Base Mini Egg Brownies

Bakery Style Soft Triple Chocolate Cookies

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Bakery Style Soft Triple Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Madness Muffins

FF Chocolate Fudge Double Hazelnut Brownies
Chocolate Madness Muffins.

I really enjoy baking cakes, brownies, muffins and cookies at home. And once I have mastered a particular recipe I can then adapt it to include other ingredients. Since you are the baker, you get to decide if hazelnuts or alternatively peanuts are used in your bake. As a result you get to create your own, personalised feast. And that is part of the fun of baking at home!

So, whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing and sharing your feast.

Sammie xx

No part of this post may be replicated or copied without the written consent of the owner. Please see my Disclosure Policy.



Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review


Carrying out reviews is always a pleasure and sometimes a challenge here at Feasting is Fun. While taking great care to bring an honest, thorough review, creating new recipes can sometimes stretch me. Yet challenging myself to come up with new ideas, is, ultimately, what delivers the most satisfaction. With this in mind, I hope you enjoy my Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review.

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
The product selection I received from Lloyds Chocolatiers.

Receiving such a varied selection was a real treat. Allowing me to get creative with my recipes. Since Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us, the chocolate hearts immediately grabbed my attention. A delicious variety of truffles, filled with ganache, whipped fruit fillings and the most incredible caramel. These chocolates became the inspiration behind my Chocolate Heart Topped Rose Bundt Cake . Perfectly complimenting the rose and vanilla flavoured cake, I highly recommend them.

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Chocolate Heart Topped Rose Bundt Cake

Included in the package were also some beautiful Rose and Violet chocolate fondants. The finish on these chocolates is outstanding and our daughter observed that they resembled marbles, such was the shine. These chocolate fondants would also work well with the Rose Bundt Cake. While the Rose fondants had a subtle flavour, similar to turkish delight, in comparison the Violet fondants were stronger. Reminiscent of years gone by, both flavours were enjoyable.

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Rose and Violet Chocolate Fondants.

Presentation of all the chocolates was outstanding. Great care had been taken to ensure that they arrived in perfect condition, always a consideration when ordering any product online, especially food items. Also, each individual product’s packaging was sleek, streamlined and designed to show the product off at its best. While it also protected the chocolates.

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review bags of boozy truffles.

Chocolate truffles are a weakness of mine. Add in a splash of something boozy and I’m sold! Yet, occasionally I am disappointed. Too much alcohol and the truffle is ruined. Not so with these delicious beauties. The gold wrapped chocolate truffles contain just the right amount of whiskey and are finished with a dusting of cocoa. While the vermicelli covered chocolate rum truffles just edged past, in terms of my flavour preference. Both are delicious and highly recommended.

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review the chocolate bars.

Finally, the chocolate bars. The milk chocolate was creamy, yet not too sweet. This is a great chocolate bar. When ordering chocolates as presents, one or two would also be added to the basket! The white chocolate bar is sublime. Most white chocolate is very sweet. Too sweet. Not Lloyds Chocolatier’s white chocolate bar. A great balance of creaminess and vanilla. This simple, yet excellent bar of chocolate could well be my undoing! While a little on the pricey side, the flavour is absolutely worth it, for both chocolate bars.

White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark.

As part of the Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review this White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark was made. The recipe is simple and requires only 2 ingredients.

1 x 110g White Chocolate Bar – from Llyods Chocolatier’s

Heart Sugar Sprinkles – available from most supermarkets.

Making the White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark:

  • First of all, line a baking tray with baking parchment.
  • Next chop up the white chocolate until it is in small pieces. Less than 1cm in size.
  • Place approximately two thirds of the chopped white chocolate into a heatproof, microwaveable bowl.
  • Heat the chocolate for 20 seconds at a time, stirring in between each heating.
  • As soon as the chocolate is melted add the remaining chopped chocolate to the bowl and stir until all of the chocolate is completely melted. If necessary, heat for a further 10 seconds at a time, in the microwave.
  • Once melted stir to ensure the melted chocolate is free from lumps.
  • Pour the melted chocolate on to the baking parchment.
  • Using either an off set spatula or the back of a spoon spread the chocolate out into a rectangular shape.
  • Ideally the chocolate should be about the thickness of a one pound coin, 3-4mm.
  • Scatter over sugar heart decorations, while the chocolate is still tacky.
  • Place the baking tray somewhere cool to allow the chocolate to set. During very hot weather it may have to be placed in the fridge for a few minutes.
FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Making the White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark.
  • Once the chocolate has set it is ready to be cut.
  • Use a sharp, un-serrated knife to cut 4 lines, equally spaced, from top to bottom.
  • The chocolate will naturally crack into shards.
FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Notice how the chocolate splits and cracks.
  • Place the heart studded chocolate shards in a pretty bowl to serve.
FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review with homemade White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark.

The White Chocolate Valentine’s Bark can also be placed into cellophane bags, tied with pretty ribbon and given as presents.

Considering that all of the chocolates are handmade by Lloyds Chocolatier’s, I was very impressed the the sharp snap of the chocolate bark. While tempering chocolate can be quite a procees. Certainly one I am happy to leave to the proffessionals. In comparision the easy tempering technique used here gave great results.

Whatever type of chocolate you enjoy, or wish to give as a gift, I highly recommend Lloyds Chocolatiers. From variety to beautiful packaging, they certainly make great chocolate.

If you have enjoyed this post Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review you may also like these:

Luxury Amaretto Hot Chocolate

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Luxury Amaretto Hot Chocolate.

Raspberry Chocolate Pavlova

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Raspberry Chocolate Pavlova

Chocolate Sunflower Cake

FF Lloyds Chocolatiers Product Review
Chocolate Sunflower Cake.

Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day, or not, creating something delicious for loved ones is always fun. Either adorning a cake with beautiful chocolate hearts, or making chocolate bark with the children, a personal touch can add so much more, any day of the year. Such as remembering someone’s favourite chocolates.

Whatever you are baking, making and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing your feast and remember, food always tastes better when it is shared.

Sammie xx

Lloyds Chocolatiers provided me with the chocolates in this post, for the purposes of a review. All content, photography, opinions and views are my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes


Some days you have to bake love into your day. Whether that means actually getting in the kitchen and physically baking, or metaphorically adjusting yourself – literally putting on love. Today, as the results of the 2016 United States of American presidential election were revealed, I had to do both. First of all, I had to pray, give all my fears to God and accept His peace, then I made myself bake. More specifically, bake these Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes.

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes stunning individual cakes.

Oh these cakes are so good. Since making these cupcakes , I’ve wanted to try another red velvet recipe. Having recently bought the tiered heart mini Bundt pan from Sugar and Crumbs and considering the shock I, along with many others were in this morning, it seemed the perfect tin to use. A visual reminder that pure love always overcomes fear, no matter how frightened we may become.

Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes 3 tiers of love in a cake.

Perfectly detailed, these tiered heart cakes taste ridiculously good. If you are in a bad mood these cakes will cheer you up. Their deep chocolate flavour, in a rich, fudgey cake, pairs beautifully with fresh berries. Truthfully the red, white and blue theme was planned. Representing the colours of the American flag and what their constitution stands for. While praying, baking and then photographing these cakes, I could feel the worry and fear lift from me.

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes such a deliciously elegant dessert.

The relief of being able to hand over my worries and fears to our Awesome Heavenly Father is immeasurable. To know that He abides by His written word, which states in 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear…

Recipe: Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes makes 12

Note: To grease the individual cake moulds I recommend Wilton cake release.

150g/5oz Unsalted Butter softened to room temperature

150g/5oz Caster Sugar

1/8tsp Salt – I use Maldon

2 Large Free Range Eggs

150g/5oz Sour Cream

1tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen-Massey

150g/5oz Plain White Flour

50g/2oz Cocoa Powder

2tsp Baking Powder

1/4tsp Red Food Colouring Gel – I use Wilton

Method: Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan, gas mark 3.

  • First of all, it is important to prepare the Bundt pan correctly. Spray or pour cake release into each mould. Use a pastry brush to ensure every part of the cake mould is covered. Because this mould is very detailed, it needs care taking over this stage.
  • Next, into a large bowl add the sugar, butter and salt. Whisk/beat these ingredients together until they are pale and creamy. This is known as the ‘creaming’ method.
  • Next add the eggs, sour cream, vanilla extract and food colouring. Sift in the flour, cocoa and baking powder.
  • Using a spoon or electric whisk, mix all of the ingredients together until they are thoroughly combined. This is know as the ‘all in one’ method.
  • To fill the individual cake moulds, carefully spoon the red velvet cake batter into the mould so that it is three quarters full. Continue until all six moulds are equally filled.
  • Now place the Bundt pan in the centre of the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.
  • The cakes are baked when they spring back from a light touch, alternatively insert a wooden cocktail stick (so that it doesn’t damage the pan) and if it come out clean the cakes are done.
  • Once baked, remove the cake pan from the oven.
FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Preparing, Filling and baking the cakes.
  • Allow the cakes to cool for 5 minutes in the tin before turning them out on to a cooling rack.
FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes turned out on to a rack to cool.

While allowing to cool you could make some Boozy Berry Sauce, to serve with these cakes. Alternatively some fresh berries and whipped cream, turn these pretty cakes into a stunning dessert. Also a light dusting with icing sugar shows up these cakes incredible detail.

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
A sprinkling of icing sugar brings out the detail of these cakes.
FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
An elegant and enticing dessert.

A truly tasty recipe that is versatile!

If you have enjoyed these Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes you may also like these:

Mini Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cakes

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Mini Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cakes.

Maple Syrup Frosted Apple Cupcakes

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Maple Syrup Frosted Apple Cupcakes

Mini Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cakes

FF Red Velvet Mini Tiered Heart Cakes
Mini Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cakes – tip if you aren’t able to get the cake mix, use the recipe from the tiered heart cakes leaving out the food colouring.


Finally, change can be unsettling for everyone. Interestingly, in the bible, the words “do not fear” and “fear not” feature very frequently. Jesus did not come to promise us a life that was all plain sailing. Clearly not! Since He knew there would be circumstances and situations that would cause us to worry. The key is to hand that anxiety to Him in prayer and in turn accept His Peace, which surpasses our understanding.

Ultimately, not worrying, is, in my experience an active ongoing experience. Rather like forgiveness, sometimes we have to keep forgiving, likewise we also need to continue to hand all things to God in prayer. Giving thanks for all He has brought us through and trusting Him to see us through again.

If you would like to know more about my Christian faith please see Important Stuff.

Sammie xx


Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream


I have come across very few people who do not like ice cream. Perhaps they are restricted due to dietary reasons, and yet they still love it. And the most popular flavour, by far, is chocolate. So why not indulge yourself with my dreamy, creamy Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream?

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream chocca full of flavour!

So, if you are a lover chocolate ice cream, then this is THE one for you!

Rich, smooth chocolate ice cream with delicious chunks of white, milk and dark chocolate in every mouthful. What more could a chocolate lover ask for!

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream perfect for every kind of chocolate lover.

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen our three teenage children so excited about an ice cream. They absolutely couldn’t wait for the photo shoot of this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream to be over so that they could start eating their laden cones.

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream patiently held waiting to be consumed!

Quite a cute picture, especially as the tallest is holding the bottom ice cream!

A Divine Recipe

Divine Chocolate sent me some of their chocolate to use in baking. And so I couldn’t resist making an ice cream. Not just any ice cream though, a really good chocolate ice cream, with whole pieces of chocolate throughout, making each bite utterly delicious.

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Divine Chocolate flavours this ice cream all the way through.

While I have made no churn ice cream before, which did turn out spectacularly well, following attempts have been too sweet for my palette. Although our children have enjoyed my experiments, I couldn’t honestly put the recipes on here. Because, my standards are high and overly sweet doesn’t cut it with me.

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream a perfect balance of flavours.

While it may be seen as more convenient making a no churn ice cream, the preparation time is the same, although churning adds an extra 15-20 minutes. Although churned ice cream is already three quarters frozen when it goes into the freezer. So there’s less time to wait until it’s ready to scoop!

Anyhow this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream is beautiful when churned, with a  silky, smoothness that tempts the tastebuds.

Recipe: Make 750ml Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

300ml/ 1/2 pint  Double Cream

300ml/ 1/2 pint Milk – Whole or Semi Skimmed

4 Large Free Range Egg Yolks – the whites can be frozen for up to 1 month

1tsp Corn Flour

5 tablespoons Caster Sugar

1tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen Massey

200g/7oz Dark Chocolate

100g/4oz Milk Chocolate

100g/4oz White Chocolate

Method: Ensure the frozen compartment of your ice cream maker has been in the freezer for 12 hours or according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Making The Ice Cream Base

Note: For step by step instructions with accompanying photographs please see Very Vanilla Ice Cream.

  • Pour the cream and milk into a heavy bottomed saucepan and heat over a medium heat, until scalding point is reached, a rim of small bubbles will appear appear around the outside liquid, at the saucepan’s edge, this is called the scalding point, just before the liquid is about to boil. As soon as the scalding point has been reached remove the pan from the heat.
  • Into a large, heatproof bowl add the egg yolks, sugar, corn flour and vanilla extract.
  • Whisk the egg yolks until they are pale and thickened, with the whisk running slowly gently pour the scalded liquid on to the eggs. Whisk until thoroughly incorporated.
  • Tranfer the contents of the bowl back to the saucepan, (I quickly wash up the original bowl, once the custard base has been poured into the pan and before I put the pan back on to the heat). Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir until the custard base has thickened and coats the back of a wooden spoon.
  • Break up 150g of the dark chocolate and place it into the freshly washed bowl.
  • Pour the custard base, through a sieve, into the bowl, over the top of the broken chocolate.
  • Stir until the chocolate has completely melted into the hot custard base. Incidentally, this is also how to make chocolate custard!
  • Place cling film directly on to the top of the chocolate custard, to stop a skin forming and leave to cool on the worktop until warm, then place in the fridge to completely chill.

Churning The Ice Cream

  • Set up your ice cream maker as per the manufacturer’s instructions, mine has to be churning as I pour the ice cream base in.
  • Remove the cling film from the top of the ice cream base and give it a good mix. If you find it easier transfer the liquid to a jug.
  • Pour the chocolate ice cream base into the churning bowl via the opening.
  • Churn for 15-20 minutes until the ice cream is thickly frozen.

Preparing The Ice Cream To Freeze

  • Once churned to a thick consistency, turn off the machine and remove the top and paddle. Scrape off as much ice cream from the paddle as you can. And then, over the sink lick off the rest!!
  • Using a deep silicone spatula, transfer the thick chocolate ice cream to a freezer proof container that has a tight fitting lid.
  • Roughly chop the remaining dark, milk and white chocolate.
FF Triple Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
White, milk and dark chocolate chunks.
  • Sprinkle the chocolate chunks on top of the thick chocolate ice cream in the freezer tub.
FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream you know this is going to taste so good!
  • Swirl the triple chocolate chunks evenly through the ice cream. I use the handle of a wooden spoon, swirling the chunks through the ice cream. Then snap on the tight fitting lid and place in the freezer for 6-8 hours, or overnight to finish freezing.
FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream ready for the freezer.

How good does that tub look?

Exactly! You cannot buy this kind of deliciousness.

To serve, remove from the freezer 15-20 minutes prior to serving. As there are no artificial softeners or artificial anything in this Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream, it needs a little time to warm before being scoop-able!

Scoop into cones, bowls, chocolate dipped cups, or even my Toffee Cookie Cups – whatever your heart desires.

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream so decadent and delicious.

Then tuck in. Savour the supreme creaminess of this delightful ice cream.

Just a little tip, make a double batch of this ice cream, it disappeared in one night between 5 of us – just sayin’.

If you love this recipe for Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream why not take a look at these:

Blueberry Bloom Ice Cream

 FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Blueberry Bloom Ice Cream definitely one for the adults with a splash of gin 😉

Lemon Ripple Ice Cream

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Lemon Ripple Ice Cream

Chocolate Rolo Ice Cream

FF Triple Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Chocolate Rolo Ice Cream

Ice cream is fun. Since it brings back childhood memories for many people and why shouldn’t we still enjoy food from our memories.

During my summer ice cream making journey, all who have tried the various flavours I have made, including the ones that didn’t make the cut, have agreed that homemade tastes best.

So as we edge into Autumn and proper pudding season begins, don’t banish your ice cream maker to the back of the cupboard, languishing lonely for another year. And yes in our house ice cream makers have feelings. Join me as I pair new ice cream flavours with puddings and desserts through the colder months.

Not got an ice cream maker? I highly recommend the Which Best Buy ice cream maker from Andrew James . It has been thoroughly tested throughout the summer, keep your eyes open for the review coming up shortly.

Have fun, feasting, sharing and enjoying good company, remembering that food always tastes better when it’s shared!

Sammie xx

Divine Chocolate provided me with the chocolate for this recipe. All view, opinions, content and photography are my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.



Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies


So, if you’ve spent a little time on this blog, you’ll know that I am a self confessed Cookie Monster. And cookies are my favourite go to sweet treat. Perhaps that’s why there are 21 cookie recipes on here! Anyway I try to keep on the oat/nut/fruit side of things but I craved CHOCOLATE! So I caved and made these unbelievably good Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

They are so good!

Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oh yes I did. I totally stacked a piles of these very yummy Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies. Because what’s better than one cookie? A whole stack of them!

So there you go, that’s my kind of maths.

Also adding oats to cookies does two important things; it nudges them slightly more toward the healthier end of the nutritional spectrum and it gives them a wonderful, chewy, almost nutty flavour.

Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

A Family Of Cookie Lovers

While you all know how much I love and adore my family. I have the best hubby in the world, who has all but given up his office, so that I can store baking equipment. Bundt tins take up a lot of room you know! Also there’s my Star and Snugs, our two gorgeous girls who, help me so much. Whether it’s cooking dinner, cleaning, vacuuming and much more. Last but definitely not least is our little man, who isn’t so little anymore so I’ll call him by his best friends nickname, Bob. He is growing into a loving and strapping lad who is always ready to help, especially fixing things. And Bob has definitely inherited his paternal Grandad’s capability with his hands.

So you see I love them all – but – they also are cookie monsters. Which is fine I make food to be eaten, except out of this batch of 18 cookies I only ate 1. It didn’t help that I’d spent a few days in bed (see here ) after making these. While I appreciate that they bring me cups of tea, however, as I’d ordered some shortie biscuits, which I love, they brought those with my hot drink. So it was only a few days later, when I was able to venture downstairs that I realised they’d all gone!

A stack of Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

I was sad for a teeny tiny moment and then very thankful and flattered that my lovely family had enjoyed them so much.

Family, My Biggest Supporters

Since they are my biggest supporters, along with extended family, it really gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside knowing I’ve made them something that they  have really enjoyed. Although, being stuck in bed is not fun, knowing there is a tin full of cookies downstairs in the kitchen, helps me to feel that I am more present, than in reality I am.

Recipe: Makes 16-18 Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

225g/8oz Soft Light Brown Sugar – I used Billingtons

150g/5oz Unsalted Butter- at room temperature

2tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen-Massey

1 Large Free Range Egg – plus

1 Large Free Range Egg Yolk

175g/6oz Plain White Flour

100g/4oz Plain Rolled Oats – not quick cook

1/2tsp Bicarbonate of Soda

Pinch of Salt

150g/5oz Milk Chocolate Chips or Chunks

50g/2oz Dark Chocolate 70% cocoa

Method: preheat the oven to 170C/150C fan, gas mark 4, 350F

Making The Oat Cookie Dough

  • First of all, line 3 large baking trays with baking parchment.
  • Place the sugar and butter in a large bowl and whisk/beat for 5 minutes until pale and creamy – whisking for 5 minutes here and then after adding the eggs is very important to the finished texture of the cookie.
  • Add the vanilla extract and the eggs and continue whisking/beating for a further 5 minutes.
  • Sift in the flour, bicarb. salt and add the oats.
  • Add the chocolate chips.
  • Fold all the ingredients together until you have uniform cookie dough.
  • Using a medium sized ice cream scoop, or a spoon and your hands, scoop/roll 5cm/2″ ball of cookie dough and place onto the baking tray.
FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cookie dough balls.
  • With slightly dampened fingers (it stops the cookie dough sticking to them), press down on each ball to flatten slightly.
FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies ready for the oven.

Baking The Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Place the baking trays in the centre and lower parts of the oven. I rotate mine halfway through baking.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes. The cookies are baked when they have spread out and are golden brown.
  • As soon as the cookies are baked remove the cookies from the oven. Because they will still be very soft, leave on the baking tray to cool and set.
FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies baked and cooling on the tray.


  • As soon as they are cooled lift each cookie free of the baking parchment, use a palette knife to slide underneath the cookie first. Place the cookie back on the baking parchment.

Adding The Dark Chocolate Swirl

  • In a heatproof, microwaveable bowl add the chopped/broken up dark chocolate.
  • Zap for 20 seconds in the microwave stirring after each heating session. When the chocolate is almost melted remove from the microwave and continue stirring until fully melted.
  • Pour the liquid chocolate into a small disposable piping bag.
  • Snip the very end of the piping bag off, creating a small hole.
  • Pipe swirls onto each of the cookies. Use all of the chocolate up, simply pipe over the swirls again.
FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies with swirls of dark chocolate.
  • Set the cookies to one side to allow the chocolate to cool and set.
  • As soon as the chocolate is set, pop the kettle on, invite a neighbour round and spend some time chatting over a cup of coffee and delicious Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies.

In the United States and Canada where my friend Liz lives, they carry out cookie exchanges during the holiday season – usually from Thanksgiving through to Christmas. I love that idea! Baking up batches of cookies, sharing, swapping, making new friends, remembering old friends. Liz is an amazing cook and her attention to detail always leaves me impressed.

What do you think, should we have a cookie/biscuit exchange here?

Not because it’s ‘another American custom’ simply because it’s a great idea?

If you have enjoyed these Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies you may also like these:

Double Chocolate Nut Spelt Cookies

Double Chocolate Nut Spelt Cookies
Double Chocolate Nut Spelt Cookies

Caramac Caramel Cookies

FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Caramac Caramel Cookies delicious chewy bites of nostalgia.

Rolo Chocolate Cookies

FF Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rolo Chocolate Cookies chewy bites of cookie heaven.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. I really do appreciate you. It’s been wonderful seeing all the bake photos that you have been putting up on Twitter and Instagram. Please keep them coming and if you every have any questions about a particular recipe, either leave a comment, or probably for a quicker response send me a Tweet.

We have a three day bank holiday weekend coming up. So, whatever your plans, I hope that they involve lots of smiles, laughter, fun and feasting with friends, family and neighbours.

Sammie xx

No part of this post may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the owner. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies


Finally, Easter is nearly here and the shops are filling up with all sorts of chocolate goodies. Including chocolate bunnies, Easter chicks and eggs in every size, shape and colour. So, to have some Easter baking fun I added colourful mini eggs in these Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies.

Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

Using Smarties mini eggs with their bright colours means they show up well on top of the chocolate brown, baked brownies. Also, Smarties mini eggs are hidden within each brownie, keeping their shape once baked.

And each of these Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies are deliciously fudgey as you bite into them, with extra crunch and chocolate when you find a hidden egg.

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

Since our children were little we have made up an Easter egg hunt for them. Sometimes friends and cousins get involved too, now they are a bit older. Yet, what never ceases to amaze me is the sharing that happens after the egg hunt is finished.

As each child and sometimes adults, sit down with their spoils from the hunt and make sure that everyone has the same number of eggs. Because, I can never remember where they were hidden the numbers aren’t always even! So a good tip is to have a few eggs stashed in the cupboard, ready to even out the numbers so it’s fair.

And, if they do manage to find all of the eggs, you’ve got a secret stash of chocolate hidden away.

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

What Easter Means To Me

While I celebrate Easter for it’s true Christian meaning, see Important StuffI’ve never found being a Christian to be boring.

We certainly have lots of fun in our home and making these Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies, really is good fun! And, I had specific instructions from one daughter to make them larger than the Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bites and also to bake them with whole, Smarties mini eggs, hidden inside.

Each Chocolate Mini Egg Brownie is drizzled in white chocolate before topping with more Smarties mini eggs. Easter is most definitely not the time in our house, for chocolate restriction!

In fact I’m not sure there ever is an appropriate time for that, however that’s a whole different conversation!

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

Recipe: Makes 16 Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

200g/7oz Plain Chocolate – minimum 70% Cocoa solids

200g/7oz Milk Chocolate – minimum 35% Cocoa solids

4 Large Free Range Eggs

225g/8oz Unsalted Butter

225g/8oz Dark Brown Sugar

1tsp Vanilla Extract – I use Nielsen-Massey

1/4tsp Sea Salt – I use Maldon

4 Packets of Smarties Mini Eggs – 4 X 100g packets

75g/3oz Plain White Flour

1/2tsp Bicarbonate of Soda

100g/4oz White Chocolate – optional

Method: Preheat oven to 170C/150 fan, gas mark 3 1/2, 325F

Making The Brownie Batter

  • First of all, line a 22.5cm x 30cm (9″ x 12″) deep baking tin with aluminium foil
  • Break up the chocolate (or chop) into individual squares, dice the butter and place both into a heat proof bowl.Place the bowl over a simering pan of water (a double boiler) ensuring the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water.
  • Stir continuously until both the chocolate and butter are two thirds melted.
  • Carefully remove the bowl from the pan and continue stirring until the contents are completely melted.
  • Set the chocolate aside to cool.
  • Into a separate bowl add the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract.
  • Whisk lightly to combine the ingredients.
  • When the chocolate has cooled to just warm pour it into the egg mixture slowly, while gently stirring.
  • Sift the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda into the bowl and add two packets of the Smarties Mini Eggs.
  • Using a wooden spoon gently fold all the ingredients together.

Smartie Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

  • Pour the brownie batter into the prepared tin.

Smartie Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

  • Give the tin a couple of sharp taps against the worktop. This helps bring any trapped air bubbles to the surface.

Baking The Brownies

  • Place the tin into the middle of the preheated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes.
  • Halfway through the baking time carefully tap the tin against the oven shelf, this helps the brownies stay fudgey and not rise, like a cake.
  • The brownies are baked when the outside edge has set and the top has the familiar, sugar cracked look. There should still be a bit of wobble at the centre.
  • As soon as they are baked remove the tin from the oven and allow the brownies to cool in the tin.

Smartie Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

  • Once cooled remove the brownies from the tin and peel away the sides of the foil.

Decorating The Easter Brownies

  • First of all break up the white chocolate and place into a heatproof, microwaveable bowl.
  • Zap in short 20 second bursts, stirring after each heating period.
  • When the chocolate has almost melted, remove and keep stirring until completely melted.
  • Using a teaspoon drizzle half of the chocolate over the brownie slab.
  • Next add as many Smarties mini eggs as you dare, the melted chocolate will help them stick.
  • Now drizzle the other half of the white chocolate over the eggs and brownie.
  • Leave to set in a cool place.

Smartie Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

  • As soon as the chocolate has set cut the large brownie into quarters. Continue, cutting each quarter into quarters and you will have 16 delicious Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies!

Smartie Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

  • Use a palette knife to remove each fudgey brownie from the foil.
  • Store any spare brownies in an airtight container for up to 5 days, however,  there’s no way they’d last that long in our house!

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies

I like to serve these Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies with a few extra eggs, so that everyone can have the same number of eggs on top of their brownie. While watching their surprise when hidden mini eggs within the brownie.

And so, whatever your plans this Easter, I hope that you take a minute to remember the reason it is celebrated?

Jesus gave His life that we may all know Him, true forgiveness, unconditional love and peace. With Him life may not be perfect, but the journey is much easier.

If you’ve enjoyed these Easter Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies then you may like these recipes too:

Golden Egg Chocolate Sponge Cake

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies
Golden Egg Chocolate Sponge Cake

Chocolate Mini Egg Sponge Cake

FF Chocolate Mini Egg Brownies
Chocolate Mini Egg Sponge Cake

Mini Egg Millionaires Shortbread

Mini Egg Millionaires Shortbread squares displayed on a white platter.
Mini Egg Millionaires Shortbread

Baking for any special occasion always feels like a treat to me. Especially with family wandering in and out of the kitchen, snatching nibbles of this and that. Ultimately, this time of year reminds me of Jesus and the family, his disciples, that He too surrounded Himself with. So important was family to Him that He asked His disciple John to take care of His mother, while hanging on the cross. And if family is important to Him, then it is also important to me.

Whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens this Easter, have fun preparing and sharing your feast.

Sammie xx

No part of this post may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the owner. Please see my Disclosure Policy.

Entered for March We Should Cocoa over at Tin and Thyme  and Lancashire Food

we should cocoa brownies

Easter sweet traybake filled and decorated with pretty little Easter eggs.


Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake


Hi, if you love chocolate, then you’re going to go crazy over this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake. With melted chocolate in the fudge cake and melted chocolate drizzled over. Finally, topped off with a generous sprinkle of Callebaut’s Chocolate Crispearls.

Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake drizzled with melted chocolate and topped with mini chocolate crispearls.

Bundt Pans Bake Beautiful Cakes

I love Bundt tins. I really do. Because they take a great cake batter and without any help from the baker, turn it into a beautiful cake. So that has to be a very good thing, right?

The tin I used for this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake is called the Jubilee Bundt made by Nordic Ware. 

So, I like to buy my Bundt tins in the sale, or where I see them on special offer. Since they can be a bit pricey, yet investing in one tin, like this Jubilee, will give you a lifetime of intricately patterned cakes.

Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
The Jubille Bundt Tin from Nordic Ware.

Can you imagine rocking up to a party with this gorgeous cake?

Yep, huge brownie points and that’s before anyone has tasted the cake!

Although I will warn you – Bundt tins are addictive. A year ago I had one, now I have ten!

Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
Put the kettle on and enjoy every single bite of this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake.

If you, or someone you know loves chocolate cake, then this is the cake to bake.

And because I appreciate not everyone owns this gorgeous tin, this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake can be baked in a 10″ springform pan!

Although technically it would no longer be a Bundt cake??

So you get to think a whole new name up for it too!

Confused?? Yep me too.

Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
The Crispearls give this moist Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake a crunchy topping.

Just look at this beauty – definitely made for sharing.

Chocolate Crispearls

Now I love a sprinkle or two million.

And I was thrilled to be sent these Callebaut Chocolate Crispearls as a gift. Since they are part of Callebeaut’s hot chocolate decoration range, which also includes, dark chocolate blossoms and dark chocolate granite. Delicious, different types of chocolate to top steaming mugs of hot chocolate with.

Chocolate  Crispearls are exactly as their name suggests, chocolatey, crispy and three different flavours. White, milk and dark chocolate. Perfect for adorning a melted chocolate drizzled, fudgey, chocolate cake.

Finally, all I can say is, this cake was so good, half had been eaten before dinner.

Thats like breaking all the rules (kidding) in our house. Because life is too short to not have dessert before dinner on occasion! And yes, we like to push the boundaries in our house 😉.

Recipe: Makes 1 Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake

Cake release spray – I use Wilton (available from Amazon, Lakeland, Hobbycraft)

350g/12oz Unsalted Butter – at room temperature

350g/12oz Dark Brown Muscavado Sugar

1tsp Vanilla Extract I use Nielsen-Massey

275g/10oz Plain White Flour

3tsp Baking Powder

1/4tsp Salt

5 Large Eggs – I always use free range

100ml/4fl oz Sour Cream – left out of the fridge for an hour

175g/6oz Plain Chocolate – approx 70% Cocoa – I use Callebaut

175g Milk Chocolate – I used a good quality 49% Cocoa chocolate, ordinary milk chocolate is fine

Sprinkles to top the cake with

Method: Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan oven, gas mark 4, 350F.

Making The Chocolate Fudge Cake Batter

  • Break or chop the plain chocolate and place into a heatproof, microwaveable bowl. Heat for 30 seconds at a time, stirring the chocolate well. When the chocolate is almost melted, remove the bowl and keep stirring until you have smooth, molten chocolate. Set aside.
  • Into a large bowl add the butter and sugar. Whisk until fully combined, this will take a good 5 minutes.
  • Crack the eggs into a jug. Add the sour cream and vanilla extract and mix.
  • Sift in one third of the flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk or beat slowly.
  • While continuing to whisk, add half of the liquid contents from the jug.
  • Repeat the last two steps again.
  • Add the last of the sifted ingredients and gently mix until just combined.
  • Remove the beater or whisk.
  • Pour in the cooled, melted chocolate and immediately stir into the cake batter with a metal spoon. Continue until the batter is a uniform colour.
  • Spray the Bundt tin thoroughly with cake release.
  • Fill the Bundt tin 3/4 full with cake batter. Use a metal spoon to gently press the cake batter into the tin. DO NOT bang the Bundt tin on the work surface, as this could damage the tin.
  • NOTE: There may be a small amount of cake batter left – this can be used for a few cupcakes or bundtlettes.
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
If the tin is filled more than 3/4 full the baked cake may not release and/or the look of the final cake may be spoiled.

Baking The Bundt Cake

  • Place the tin into the centre of the preheated oven. Bake for 50-55minutes.
  • The cake is baked when it springs back from a light tough and an inserted skewer (I use wooden ones) comes out clean.
  • As soon as the cake is baked remove it from the oven.
  • Leave the cake to cool in its tin for 10 minutes.
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin for 15 minutes.
  • Invert the Bundt tin onto a cooling rack. The cake should turn out immediately. If not leave to cool and the cake will release from the tin.
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
One beautiful Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake.

Decorating The Cake

  • Melt the milk chocolate as before (for the plain chocolate). Drizzle over the top of the cake using a spoon.
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
I choose to completely cover the top of the cake with melted chocolate and have a small amount dripping down.
  • Take whatever sprinkles you are using and sprinkle away. I kept the Chocolate  Crispearls on the top of the cake.
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake with Callebaut Chocolate Crispearls.

A stunningly beautiful cake, that also happens to deliver superbly on taste.

Who will you make this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake For?

Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
Cut a delicious slice of this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake and get ready to share.

Such a beautiful cake, it almost seems a shame to cut into it – almost!!!

If you have enjoyed this Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake recipe here are some others you may also like:

Glazed Lemon Bundt Cake

Lemon loaf cake baked with intricate citrus slices on the top, with a lemon glaze and a sprinkle of glitter.
Glazed Lemon Bundt Cake

Marbled Chocolate Bundt Cake

Marbled chocolate bundt cake topped with both white and milk chocolate and mini gold stars.
Marbled Chocolate Bundt Cake

Sparkling Snowflake Cake

Vanilla cake in the shape of a snowflake.
Sparkling Snowflake Cake

Finally, if you have any questions about ‘baking with Bundts’ please either leave a comment, or Tweet me @sammiefeasting. Although I am by no means an expert, I will always do my best to answer your questions.

So, whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing and sharing your feast.

Sammie xx

No part of this post may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the owner. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies


Hi, I’m so excited to share this new recipe to all you cookie lovers, chocolate lovers and nut lovers. Welcome to my Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies!


Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies
Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies


Are you a cookie lover?  I am!

Homemade cookies are sooo much better than regular, shop bought ones. The taste is always better, you know exactly what has gone into them and you just cannot buy the smell of home baked cookies. Ooh that warm, buttery, delicious smell that drifts from the oven making your home feel – well – more like home!

These Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies so deserve their wacky name. They are stuffed to the brim with nuts, chocolate chunks and are Chocotastic!!!

Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies
Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies


Everyone who has tried these cookies had absolutely fallen 100% in love with them and immediately requested more. Now that, has got to be a reaction worth sharing.

Sharing is a major inspiration in my baking. I love seeing the reaction on someone’s face, when you give them something that you have made with them in mind. For this recipe, the inspiration was our children. They all work so hard at school and home and it’s wonderful to treat them.

My cookie preference, as I’ve mentioned before, on this blog, is always for oat/fruit cookie combos like these Walnut Fig Oat Cookies . But I know how much our children love chocolate and they don’t have chocolate bars very often at home, so baking something special like these Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies really is a treat for them. As I use good quality ingredients there are no hidden nasties, that is very imortant to me.

Recipe : Makes Approx. 26 Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies

225g/8oz Unsalted Butter at room temoerature

175g/6oz Dark Brown Sugar – I used muscavado sugar

1 Large Egg Yolk

1tsp Vanilla Extract

225g/8oz Plain White Flour

50g/2oz Cocoa Powder

1/4tsp Salt

175g/6oz Macadamia Nuts – roughly chopped

225g/8oz Milk Chocolate Chunks or Chips

Method : Preheat oven to 185C/170C fan.

Place the sugar and butter in a bowl.
Place the sugar and butter in a bowl.


You really do need the butter to be very soft. I actually put the bowl in the microwave on medium for 20 seconds, as my butter wasn’t soft enough. Ideally you want butter that you can easily push a knife, flat side down, through.

Beat or whisk the sugar and butter together, for 5 minutes, until pale and light. Don’t worry if there are still little specks of sugar once the mixture is whisked.

Add the egg yolk and vanilla extract to the bowl.
Add the egg yolk and vanilla extract to the bowl.
Whisk or beat for 5 minutes until the mixture is paler.
Whisk or beat for 5 minutes until the mixture is paler.
Sieve the flour, cocoa and salt into the bowl.
Sieve the flour, cocoa and salt into the bowl.
Add the chopped nuts and chocolate chunks.
Add the chopped nuts and chocolate chunks.
Mix everything together until the have the most delicious, chocolate, nut studded cookie dough.
Mix everything together until the have the most delicious, chocolate, nut studded cookie dough.


Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

Using an ice cream scoop make 1" balls of cookie dough.
Using an ice cream scoop make 1″ balls of cookie dough.


Ensure the cookie dough balls are well spaced apart.

Press down on each cookie dough ball to flatten.
Press down on each cookie dough ball to flatten.


Place the cookies into the oven and bake for 15 minutes exactly. The cookies will still seem soft when baked. Remove from the oven.

Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies allow to cool completely on the tray.
Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies allow to cool completely on the tray.


As this mixture makes such a big batch of cookies you can freeze half of the dough, in a freezer bag, for up to 3 months, or keep wrapped in cling film and refridgerated for up to a week. Or you can wash up the baking trays and bake the rest, just as I did 😉


Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies
Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies


Once cooled, these cookies have a deep chocolatey flavour complimented by the beautiful, buttery, Macadamia nuts. Ooh these are sooo good. They have to be up there, at the top of my favourite cookies ever list. What? Don’t you have a list???

Make these for yourself, to share with friends, family, neighbours. If you know someone who loves cookies bake them some Macadamia Nutty Chocotastic Cookies and watch the smile spread across their face as they take their first bite!

If you love cookies then you will love these Extreme Chocolate Cookies 

Cheer Up Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sammie x


Chocolate Madness Muffins


Well hello lovely people, what an amazing day it is today. Especially as I have mayhem happening in the kitchen today, in the form of Chocolate Madness Muffins. And please trust me, because you are going to go crazy for these scrumptious muffins.

FF Chocolate Madness Muffins


So, did you spot what I did? Diving straight into the photos of these chocolate masterpieces. Amazingly light chocolate sponge, studded throughout with milk and white chocolate chunks and chips.

And then I pressed extra chocolate chips into the top of the batter before baking the Chocolate Madness Muffins in the oven.

However, just in case there is any doubt about how madly, chocolatey, delicious these muffins are, I scattered a few extra chocolate chips over them, after baking, because why not??

So, let’s bring the Chocolate Mayhem on!!!


It’s good to shake things up once in a while, well not fizzy water – but that’s another thing entirely!


Usually, traditional muffins are quite dense and fairly quite good for you. Definitely not the case with these Chocolate Madness Muffins, as they don’t tick either of those boxes (RECIPE REBEL!). Since I was aiming for the cafe style muffins, but better. Big, beautiful, light-as-air sponge, enveloped in these gorgeous tulip style cake wrappers.

As you unwrap your own moment of madness, it really is like having a special chocolate present all to yourself. Unless, of course, you bake these Chocolate Madness Muffins and then invite lots of friends round. Ooh imagine sharing the Madness Mayhem. Now that sounds like my kind of party.


Muffins are not cupcakes:

Incredibly easy to make, the only difficulty with these Chocolate Madness Muffins is waiting for them to cool. Beautiful though these tulip cake cases are, the trick to them not peeling off as they cool, is to leave the muffins to cool completely in the pan. Once they are room temperature they can be removed from the pan.

I love the tulip cases, but they can be pricey. I’ve found buying online is much cheaper than any of the supermarkets. Also, unless you are going to make huge cupcakes, these tulip wrappers make piping icing pretty tricky. If you want to add frosting it’s easier just to dollop it on with a spoon see my Chocolate Chunk Cupcakes.

Please don’t worry if you haven’t got these tulip cake wrappers, this recipe will make 18 regular sized muffins instead of 12 Mega Chocolate Madness Muffins.

Recipe : Makes 12 mega or 18 regular Chocolate Madness Muffins

225g/8oz Caster Sugar

225g/8oz Unsalted Butter at room temperature

1/4tsp Salt – I use Maldon

1tsp Vanilla Extract

4 Large Eggs – I use free range

200g/7oz Plain White Flour

50g/2oz Cocoa Powder – I use Callebaut powder and chocolate chips/chunks

2tsp Baking Powder

100ml/4fl oz Whole Milk

150g/5oz Milk Chocolate Chunks or Chips

150g/5oz White Chocolate Chunks or Chips

Optional – extra chocolate chips for decoration after baking

Method : Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan, 350F, gas mark 4

Making The Batter

Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
Add 2 eggs, vanilla extract and then whisk together.
Add 2 eggs, vanilla extract and then whisk together.


Place your flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt into a bowl. These are your dry ingredients.

Sift in half of the dry mix. Mix until just incorporated.
Sift in half of the dry mix. Mix until just incorporated.


Repeat, adding first the eggs and milk. Then sift in the rest of your dry ingredients and mix until you have a smooth batter.

Add in 100g/4oz of both the white and milk chocolate. Fold gently into the batter.
Add in 100g/4oz of both the white and milk chocolate. Fold gently into the batter.


Line a muffin pan with 12 tulip cake wrappers. Using a large ice cream scoop, add a large rounded scoop of batter into each wrapper.

And so the madness commences.
And so the madness commences.
Chocolate Madness Muffins sprinkle over the remaining 50g each of milk/white chocolate chips.
Chocolate Madness Muffins sprinkle over the remaining 50g each of milk/white chocolate chips.


If using standard muffin cases, scrape the scoop against the side of the bowl. Add the smoothed off scoop to each case. Then sprinkle with the chocolate chips.

These muffins are now ready for the oven.

Baking The Muffins

Bake for 20-23 minutes (15-18 minutes for standard muffins) until the muffin springs back when lightly pressed.

Freshly baked muffins in a tray.


As soon as the muffins are baked remove from the oven and place on a baking rack to cool.
Once cooled sprinkle over a few extra chocolate chips.

To make the most of these Chocolate Madness Muffins I suggest sharing them. If you have chocoholic friends invite them round for a chat and a treat. Once they see these muffins the mayhem will commence. These muffins are most definitely FUN FOOD!

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Chocolate Madness Muffins you may also like these:

Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

FF Chocolate Madness Muffins
Caramac Drizzle Rolo Caramel Brownies

Chocolate Honeycomb Sponge Cake

FF Chocolate Madness Muffins
Chocolate Honeycomb Sponge Cake

Maltesers Popping Candy Cupcakes 

FF Chocolate Madness Muffins
Maltesers Popping Candy Cupcakes


I don’t suggest eating one of these every day, but once in a while, why not let lose? All food is much more fun when shared.

Do you have a favourite recipe you like to share?

Sammie x

