Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli


Winter, the season where stews and casseroles become feasts that fill us with warmth and comfort. Chilli certainly is a giant, teddy bear hug in a bowl. Spiced meat, peppers and beans, cooked gently and slowly, providing a warm, filling dish. Here, the emphasis has been to keep the recipe low fat and healthy. Let me share my Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli.

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli

A healthy twist on a classic recipe

While traditionally Chilli-Con-Carne is made with beef mince, substituting turkey mince would have been the obvious choice. Yet, I wanted, indeed needed a Chilli with texture, such as this Chunky Chilli. Since turkey breast is a naturally low fat meat, using breast steaks provided the ‘bite’ required. Cooked low and slow this dish is as easy to make as it is delicious to eat.

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli

Since the meat is seared separately, removed while the onion is sautéed and then added back into the dish, this recipe could easily be made in a slow cooker. Either cooked on the hob or in a slow cooker there are no difficult processes involved in making this Chilli. Simplicity in the kitchen is always welcome during a busy week.

Recipe: Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli serves 4-6

500g/1lb 2oz Turkey Breast Steak

2 tbsp Ground Cumin

1 tbsp Raspeseed Oil (Canola oil) – I use Borderfields

2 Large Onions

4 Bell Peppers

2 x 400g Tins Chopped Tomatoes

2 x 400g Tins Red Kidney Beans rinsed and drained, or 500g cooked red kidney beans

3 tbsp Tomato Purée

1/2 tsp Sea Salt – I use Maldon

1 tsp Chili Flakes – adjust according to taste

2 Cloves Garlic – crushed

1/2 tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

3 tsp Corn Flour (corn starch) – I use Doves Farm


You will need a large heavy bottomed pan for this recipe. A Dutch oven (cast iron casserole dish) is ideal. While the recipe calls for simmering on a hob, alternatively the assembled dish can be left in the oven on a low heat.

Making the Chilli

  • First of all cut up the turkey breast into bite size chunks. Toss the chunks in the ground cumin so they are all coated in spice.
  • Place a heavy bottomed pan on a medium heated hob. Add half the oil and then when hot place the turkey chunks, spaced evenly apart, into the pan. Brown the meat, turning to ensure each piece is seared in the hot pan. As soon as the meat is seared on all sides remove from the pan on to a clean plate.
  • While the meat is searing prepare the onions. Peel and cut into medium dice (approximately 1.5cm/0.5”).
  • With the meat removed from the pan turn the heat down to low. Tip in the diced onions and add the salt. Sauté on a low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Prepare the peppers while the onions are cooking. Wash, de-seed and cut into large dice – 2.5cm/1” pieces.
  • As soon as the onions have started to soften add the seared turkey chunks and the mixed peppers into the pan.


FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Preparing the Chilli.
  • Add the crushed garlic, chili flakes and black pepper to the pan.
  • Next pour in both tins of chopped tomatoes. Rinse the tins with cold tap water, keeping any tomato juice and fill three quarters full, add this to the pan.
  • Tip in the drained and rinsed kidney beans and add the tomato purée.
  • Stir all of the ingredients together, adding more water if needed. The meat and peppers should be just covered with liquid.
  • Bring to a simmer on the lowest heat, uncovered on the hob for 1.5 – 2 hours. Stir occasionally.
FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Slow cooking the Chilli.

Adding the finishing touches to the recipe

  • The liquid should be reduced by half. Place a lid on the pan if it reduces too quickly.
  • Mix the corn flour with 2-3 tablespoons of cold water.
  • Pour the corn flour slurry into the Chilli and stir immediately.
  • Gently simmer for a further 10 minutes. Stir frequently while the liquid thickens.
FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli

To serve ladle the thickened, spicy Chilli into warmed bowls. Fresh, homemade bread such as my Seeded Cob Loaf, baked tortilla chips or rice all make tasty accompaniments. Also adding a sprinkle of fresh coriander (cilantro) or parsley, provides the finished dish with a fresh, herb hit.

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli you may also like these:

Winter Warming Vegetable Soup

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Winter Warming Vegetable Soup

Spicy Sausage Bean Casserole

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Spicy Sausage Bean Casserole

Creamy Tomato Spinach Chicken Pasta

FF Healthy Turkey Mixed Pepper Chilli
Creamy Tomato Spinach Chicken Pasta

Chilli can be enjoyed in the summer as well as in winter. Yet when the weather is cold I find warming food really does add an extra layer of comfort. Also this is a very versatile meal. While I have specified amounts in the recipe, adding extra tomatoes, beans or peppers will allow this dish to stretch to feed more people. Since feasting with friends can only improve on how good food tastes.

Whatever you are making, baking and creating in your kitchens, have fun preparing your feast.

Sammie xx

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Slow Roasted Cider Pork



I really enjoy roasting a large joint of meat. Especially as it really feels as though I am preparing a feast, it also is difficult to over cook the meat. And this Slow Roasted Cider Pork is so easy to cook, with incredible flavour!

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork

This beautiful, bone in, tied shoulder of Pork came from  Graig Farm . While it weighed 4kg and was a whopper of a joint, it can be used in so many ways.

Cooked on a bed of fresh herbs and onions, with a bottle of Thatcher’s Gold Cider poured under it, the Pork, tightly wrapped in aluminium foil, cooks slowly and steams in the herby, apple cider.

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork
Slow Roasted Cider Pork such a delicious way to roast pork shoulder.

Pork shoulder is used here in this recipe. As the joint comes from the front shoulder of the pig, it needs long, slow cooking, to break down the the muscle. The result is effectively pulled Pork. So please don’t expect to carve this joint, as it literally falls apart once cooked.

Oh and have I mentioned how easy it is to cook this Slow Roasted Cider Pork?

Slow Roasted Pork For Sunday Dinner

Also once prepped you pop it in the oven and just let it do it’s gloriously tasty, deliciously melting, cooking. An especially easy recipe if you’ve got a busy day ahead.

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork
Slow Roasted Cider Pork look how tender this delicious meat is?

The bones literally pulled  clean out from the pork.

From this one joint you can go on to make other dishes in the week. So watch out for my Chipotle Pulled Pork Fajita’s coming soon .

Some people can’t be bothered with the hassle of cooking a Sunday Roast. For our family it is not only tradition, but also provides leftovers for meals during the week such as my Roast Chicken Noodle Soup.

Slow Roasted Cider Pork can be served with the traditional Sunday sides of roast potatoes and vegetables, or Mashed Potatoes for the ultimate comfort meal. Since there are dozens of ways to serve pulled pork, I intend to add plenty more recipes to this blog!

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork
Slow Roasted Cider Pork

Feeding a crowd

This one joint would easily feed 15-20 people, depending on how you were serving it. Also the pork I used for this joint was organic. I can honestly say that the flavour is far superior to the pale, mass produced alternative. Economically, this meal made four dinners for a family of five. And so, with three growing teenagers in our home, that counts as five adults in my book.

Because this Slow Roasted Cider Pork goes such a long way,  that certainly helps with the economics of buying such a large joint. As I’ve said before we are not a big meat eating family, so the meat we do eat goes further. Take a look at Graig Farm’s website, there is 10% off for new customers and they always have special offers on. They are a family run farm who genuinely care for the animals that they rear.

Since I have been buying meat from them for the last few years, I can honestly say I’ve never had a bad meal, cooking with their meat.

This is not a sponsored post. I paid fair and square for the Pork Shoulder, I honestly really like their farming ethos, they are very nice people and their meat is outstanding!

Recipe: Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder

3-4Kg Bone in Pork Shoulder Joint – if cooking a smaller joint reduce the temperature to 120C

Fresh Herbs – I used Bay leaves, Sage, Thyme and Rosemary – woody herbs work best

1 Large Onion – peeled and cut into quarters (or 2 small onions halved)

1 Bottle Cider 500ml I used – Thatcher’s Gold

Sea Salt – I use Maldon

Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Method: Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan, gas mark 6, 400F

Preparing the pork joint

  • First of all, remove the pork from the fridge 1 hour before cooking. Remove all packaging set on a large plate and pat dry with kitchen roll.
  • In the base of your roasting tin add the fresh herbs and onions quarters.
  • Pour in the bottle of cider.
  • Sit the pork joint on top of the onions and herbs.
  • Sprinkle over freshly ground pepper, rub sea salt and a little fresh thyme into the skin.

FF Slow Roasted Cider PorkSlow Roasted Cider Pork

    I know you can’t see the cider I poured it under the pork after it was placed in the tin!
  • Cover the pork with aluminium foil, making sure that it does not touch the actual joint. Crimp the foil tightly around the edge of the tin so that it seals in the pork and cider.

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork

Slow roasting the pork joint

  • Place the roasting tin into the lower part of the oven and allow to cook at the preheated temperature for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes has passed reduce the oven temperature to 150C/130C fan, gas mark 2 and cook for a further 6 hours.
  • You can take the joint out after 3 hours and baste with the herby cider juices as I did. Remember to tightly cover with foil before putting back into the oven.
FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork.
Slow Roasted Cider Pork basted with the cider halfway through cooking.
  • So, if you want to go out for the day, please don’t worry about the basting. The steamy, herb infused, cider atmosphere in which the pork cooks will still be deliciously full of flavour.
  • After 6 hours has elapsed remove the joint from the oven and check how tender it is. I simply pull at the meat with a fork, if it comes away easily the park is cooked.
  • Increase the oven temperature up to it’s original preheated level and remove the foil. Place the pork back in the oven for 20-30 minutes to crisp up the crackling and create the crusty pork ‘bark’ at each end of the joint.
  • When the skin is crispy up and you have crunchy crackling remove the pork from the oven. See *note below
  • Remove the pork joint from the tin and place on a platter or carving board.

Resting and serving the pork

  • Being extra careful as it is very hot, snip and remove any string, before using scissors to cut away the crackling. For extra crunchy crackling I then pop it on a shallow tray and place back in the oven to continue to crisp, while the roast potatoes cook.
  • Cover the pork with foil and allow to rest for at least 30 minutes.
  • Using two forks pull the pork apart and pull out the bones, they will come out cleanly.
  • FF Slow Roasted Cider PorkYou can see how cleanly the bone came out on the left.

Serve the Slow Roasted Cider Pork with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables and enjoy the soft, tender meat and crunchy, tasty cracking.

Finally, this melt in the mouth pork is perfect to roast a crowd. So invite all your family round, get everyone to pitch in with a dish and enjoy fun, feasting, friendship and laughter together. Since there is nothing like a good meal and great company to help people relax and unwind.

If you have enjoyed this recipe for Slow Roasted Cider Pork you may also like these:

Redcurrant Jelly Glazed Roast Lamb

FF Redburrant Jelly Glazed Roast Lamb
Redcurrant Jelly Glazed Roast Lamb

Lemon Thyme Roast Chicken

FF Lemon Thyme Roast Chicken
Lemon Thyme Roast Chicken

Garlic Rosemary Roast Potatoes

FF Slow Roasted Cider Pork
Garlic Rosemary Roast Potatoes


Do you enjoy cooking a roast for all the family, or is it too much hassle?

Thank you for all your photos and feedback via the comments section, Instagram and Twitter. I really do appreciate you making and baking my recipes and love to see how they turn out, so please keep the pictures and comments coming.

Whatever you are making and baking the Bank Holiday Monday, I hope you have fun creating your delicious feasts and sharing your wonderful bakes with lots of smiles.

Sammie xx
